Bible Study Groups

Jubilee Class – May 2023

by Jerry Cobb
Bill Parr and Gene Ayers have led us through the Book of Job. From healthy and rich, to sick and poor. All he had left was a nagging wife and a sick body. Against the council of friends, enemies and family he refused to lose his faith in GOD. Could we withstand the trials he faced and not lose sight of our trust that God will take care of us?
We have a new teacher beginning with the April 2nd lesson.  Barbara Jordan began by informing us that she taught 10-year-old children for years and was sure she could handle us. Sounds a lot like Chris. We can’t wait.

Our class met after church on a Sunday in February for a Memorial Gathering to remember and acknowledge the loss of fourteen of our class members that have moved to ‘Higher Ground’ in the very recent past. A  poem written by Doug Lusk, a member of our class, is offered with his permission.


Someone is Waiting by Doug Lusk
There in the distance is someone I see.
He stands there so patiently, waiting for me.
I know who it is and I knew He would come;
I’ve counted on this when my journey was done.
He knows who I am and He knows I believe
That He’ll end all my pain and my
struggles relieve.
I know that his son cannot be far away;
He knew I’d come home and was waiting today.He’s prepared me a place where I’ll
stay from now on,And He will forgive all the things I’ve done wrong.
 What a comfort for me that I knew of this friendWho would be there to greet me when
I reached the end;
For the journey was long, though I loved
every mile,
And now I am ready to rest for a while.
Once again, I’ll see loved ones,
what stories we’ll share,
And dear friends I’ve missed will also be there.
I love each of you that I’m leaving behind,
And I want you to know that I’m doing just fine.
For there in the distance is someone I see;

It’s God and His Son and they’ll take care of me.


The Jubilee Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 in the Chapel.



Kerrville West Home Group

by Drew & Julia Whitehead
It has been called a few names.  Small group. Home group. Community group.  All of these describe what we strive to achieve when meeting on Tuesday evenings, coming together in the midst of a messy, busy week.  These evenings have turned into a time of respite and spiritual rejuvenation for many of us.
Families join to eat, pray, and let the kids play. Learning more about one another and God’s will for our lives, both individually and collectively. It has been almost 6 years of learning what this looks like for us. In these six years, friendships have been strengthened and a “missional community” has grown out of our love for what Tuesday nights have meant to us and our families.  Emphasis on “grown”. We have gathered disciples along the way, each new person and/or family bringing something unique and necessary to the group. 
While we celebrate the growth that has taken place, we have outgrown any home that we have ever met in.  After a few months of very cozy meetings squished together on couches, chairs brought in from every other room in the house – we have multiplied! This multiplication didn’t always feel easy or come without tears. Tears born from the unease of change and the joy of knowing that Christ is growing his Kingdom.  So, here we are, one large group that has now grown into two! Joyfully celebrating that these Tuesday evenings, we have all come to love so dearly, are now happening in two locations each week. This will provide us with more opportunities to gather and to bring in more disciples along the way.  Both groups currently meet on Tuesdays, three times a month. We’re in two separate homes now, but with the same mission in mind: to grow a missional community here in our church and city. Contact JD if you’d like to learn more or join us on this mission.


Pilgrims of Faith

by Truman Martin
Perhaps the best place to start is with the name we have chosen for the class.  PILGRIM is a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.  In Hebrews 11:1 we are told FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  Our faith is built on nothing less than Jesus’ love and righteousness.  Righteousness is to be morally right with God. 

Our primary goal is to understand Scripture and apply the truth of God’s word to our daily lives. So, we study God’s word and seek to be obedient to it.  In addition to studying the word of God, we attempt to know each other personally.  We do this through social activities which include three parties held annually at the church or a class member’s home.  Men have breakfast once a month for fellowship -breaking bread together.  Ladies visit a local nursing home monthly where they sing and visit with the men and women residing there.  After they finish, they have lunch together. 

To assist us in having a better understanding of God’s word, we use Masterwork literature which changes quarterly and includes lessons written by Biblical scholars.  These scholars write about various principles that provide guidance on how to be obedient to God’s commandments and principles of living a Godly life. 

Our class consists of couples and   individuals ages 55 and above and is held each Sunday at 9:45 AM in Room 121. YOU are invited to join us as we attempt to understand better how to apply the principles of obedience to our daily lives.


Agape Fellowship Class

by Susan Lesser
The Agape Fellowship Class is a coed Bible study class, with an age range from early 60’s to mid-90’s. We’re small in number but rich in knowledge of the Bible and living and growing in Jesus Christ. We’re looking for a teacher… is that you? We’ve been studying the Bible, word by word, but are open to suggestions. We meet at 9:45 in Room 215 in our wonderful new building. Our classroom has the water fountains attached!
Currently, we’re rotating teaching   duties among us. It brings a variety of talents and subjects to the class. Please consider visiting our class; we’d love to see you Sunday morning!




Roots Class – October 2022

by Jaime Riordan

The Roots Sunday school class is a great place to dive deeper into the biblical text each Sunday morning.  We just finished a series going through some of the smaller and less read books of the Bible and this Fall we are taking a closer look at Genesis.  Filled with so many of the stories we learned as children, Genesis is also rich with theology and its themes are echoed throughout the rest of the Bible. Clark Elliston does a great job teaching while also encouraging class discussion which opens the floor to unique perspectives and deeper learning.  Whatever your age, whether there every week or visiting, there is something to be gained by attending! Please join us in room 221, Sundays, at 11 am.



Eagle’s Wings Lifegroup

by Juliann Witte
Eagle’s Wings home group meets on Monday evenings for spiritual accountability, fellowship, friendship, and study the divinely inspired word of God, utilizing Right Now Media resources.
Topics/Bible books are chosen by group consensus. Should an individual(s) be laden with a difficult obstacle in their life journey – time is taken to discuss that issue, regardless of course schedule, until it is satisfactorily addressed. The study format utilizes video with study sheets, scripture, and lively discussion. Discussions are respectful, engaging, informative, at times festive, and biblically sound.
Our experiences and journeys are at various stages. However, the sharing of our journeys and life experiences makes this group caring and supportive of one another with a sincere pursuit to emulate the life and work of Jesus Christ.
We seek to fulfill our group and individual spiritual journey in the works and word of our Lord Jesus Christ by being considerate and compassionate to those in need of assistance and encouragement within Trinity Baptist, Kerrville, and other local communities that need a helping hand; whether it be a kind note, prayer, or boots on the ground.


Small Group Volunteers

Small groups thrive with volunteer leaders responsible for various activities from teaching the group, planning group activities/missions, keeping up with group members…
Once you have joined a small group and become a member of Trinity ask the group how you can serve in the group.