Membership at Trinity

We join things we value: gyms, streaming media services, wholesale clubs, and activist movements. These things hold a benefit to us and our families, perceived or real. We may even subscribe to them. What better thing for you and your family to join than a community of faith that will encourage and walk with you in the episodes of life.
All are welcome at Trinity. If you have found Trinity to be like “home,” join. Becoming a member allows you to not only be an attender, but be a voice in what God is doing in and through Trinity Baptist Church.
Joining Trinity can be done in the traditional way by requesting to join at the end of a worship service on Sunday mornings. It can also be done at anytime by simply requesting; in the church office, at an event, over the phone, or online.
Members are people who have made the decision to devote their daily lives to knowing God and reflecting Him in their circles of influence.
Request membership using our Connect Card.
800 Jackson Rd, Kerrville, TX
830 895 0100
Mo-Sa 8am – 9pm