


20 June 2025
27 June 2025

2025 DR Mission Trip

There are interest meetings scheduled for December 4 an January 12. We have a set number [18] of spaces available. This is a trip suitable for individuals and families.   Basic Requirements Adults – personal relationship with Christ and a willing heart US Passport – expiration date of December 2025 or later Must be able […] ...

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New Church Missionary Families

In 2025, Trinity is adding two missionary families to the five we have been supporting directly in 2024. Each year in early Fall Trinity’s Missions Committee recommends to the church missionary families for monthly financial support. Along with that support we add these families to our prayer support for missionaries. Through our connection to these missionaries we are joining in on what God is doing in the world and being enriched to join Him in His work here in Kerrville.
Roden Family

Austin & Kate Roden, Knox, Blakey, and Ember – Great Commission Baptist Church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Austin Roden serves as lead pastor at Great Commission Baptist Church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where he and his wife, Kate, are members with their three children Knox, Blakey, and Ember. Austin and Kate have similar stories of being raised in Christian homes and beginning their personal relationships with Christ at early ages. Austin began to feel God’s call to a life of gospel work outside of his birth culture in high school and while in college participated in mission trips overseas. As a young couple both he and Kate felt God’s call on their family and moved to Northeast China to teach English. After five years in China they moved to Cambodia and have been serving the local church there for three years now.
Austin & Kate have a Facebook Group you can follow them on. There you will be able to hear what God is doing in Cambodia. Every two to three months they will be sending out a newsletter that will be viewable on Wednesday nights here at Trinity. Look for it and the address for their Facebook group on the Missionary Update table in the FLC.
Kara O'Connell

Kara O’Connell, Associate BSM Director – Baylor Campus

Kara O’Connell serves the Baylor campus in Waco. She connects the BSM to Highland Baptist Church where she is a member volunteering in their College Ministry as well as their Women’s and Discipleship Ministries. At a young age Kara accepted and confessed Jesus as Lord, but feels at 17, through the experience of losing a grandparent, she came to realize the depth of God’s attentive presence in her life and “gave Him the silence of [her] own thoughts to hear His voice.”
While participating in the BSM at Stephen F. Austin, Kara answered God’s call to College Ministry. Beginning as a Campus Missionary Intern at Baylor after graduation she is now serving as Associate Director of Baylor BSM. Her position includes the BSM work at McClennan Community College. Along with the monthly financial support Trinity provides we can be involved in God’s work through Kara by praying for and encouraging her.
Learn more about missionaries Trinity supports directly by coming by the Missionary Update table on Wednesday nights in the FLC and the Missions page of Trinity website at tbck.org/missions.


Moses Family Update

by Wendy Anderson
Some of you may know Dr. Geoffrey and Nicole Moses from their stay in the Minoah House as they mobilized in 2018 for their first move and again in the summer of 2023, or from his work as a physician at Peterson Hospital in years past. The Moses’ sending church is Kerrville Bible. They serve through Frontiers USA Ministry.
Geoffrey and Nicole, along with their four beautiful kids, have served in Sierra Leone since 2019, sharing their skills in a country with one of the highest disease burdens in the world. Geoffrey’s father is originally from Sierra Leone, a war-torn majority Muslim nation in West Africa and again, according to National Geographic, one of the most difficult places on earth. The country has one of the lowest life expectancies and highest infant mortality rates in the world. Geoffrey’s training is in family medicine and Nicole’s in occupational therapy.
Their work includes providing countless medical services, hosting medical teams, educating and training, building relationships and the witness of the great commission of the reconciliation between God and mankind through Jesus Christ. They homeschool their children.
TBCK is honored to help in the support of the Moses family. Hopefully they’ll be able to utilize one of our mission homes again in the future, as they still consider Kerrville as their home.


Children’s Ministry – October 2024

I love watching our church serve at First Blessing! What a joy to see so many volunteers (151) minister God’s love to our community. Y’all have cooked, served food, been table hosts, greeted, registered, given socks, measured feet, helped pick out shoes, made bags, handed out Bibles and passed out balloons to these precious kids and their families. What an amazing blessing to these families!
Trinity registered 398 kids, we had 322 kids and 104 families attend on Saturday, September 21st. We ministered to kids from all over our area. Some of those included are Kerrville ISD, Ingram ISD, Harper ISD, Hunt ISD, Divide ISD, Comfort ISD, Center Point ISD, Arms of Hope in Medina, KSTAR, HCYR, and Mercy Gate Ministries.
I’m so very grateful for a talented leadership team that recruits and leads so very well. Thank you Trinity, for serving so very well!


Meet Trinity Missionaries Ben & Susie Argil, Mexico

by Bob Davis, TBC Missions Committee
TBC supports five missionary families financially. Among these are Ben and Suzie Argil (pronounced Ar-heel) who serve in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Not only are they involved in church planting, but they serve as an area resource to pastors and their wives of other Christ-centered churches in the area.
Several of us have had the opportunity to visit their Brilla Life Center—as their modest three-story headquarters building is called—but also to see them in action visiting new believers in the tiny ranchos scattered about the hinterlands around San Miquel.
Whether giving guitar lessons, teaching English, heading youth soccer competitions, counseling young women tempted to have abortions, providing leadership training, or encouraging struggling pastors, they go about their work tirelessly and cheerfully.
Some of those who have come to faith through their work include former drug and alcohol addicts, at least one cartel member, and scores of ordinary folks whose religious practices fall short of a biblical understanding of grace from God through faith in Jesus.
What strikes me as unique about their ministry is their service of encouragement to a dozen or so pastors and their wives (pastor wives are critical as their husbands often work full time jobs in addition to their church responsibilities).
Pastor John is planning a second annual visit, accompanied by other pastors from our Hill Country Baptist Association (some who are themselves bi-vocational), to pray and fellowship with the Mexican pastors.
Over the last few years, three others–a couple from Kerrville and a single woman from South Carolina—have joined the Argils to work beside them in their ever-expanding ministry.
You will be blessed to be a part of the prayer ministry for the Argils. The best way to keep abreast of their specific prayer requests and praises is  going to www.benandsusie.org and sign up for updates and newsletters.


First Blessing 2024

by Dianne Clemons
Connect—Does that sound familiar? Our mission at Trinity is to worship, connect and serve. The First Blessing shoe ministry in September demonstrates each of these actions. As the various teams join together to serve our community with beautiful new pairs of shoes, we connect with families outside of our church and give them the opportunity to join us in the worship of our Lord. Although you would think the Blessing in this ministry is received by those receiving the shoes, those who have joined together to worship our King receive the greatest Blessing.
Trinity has over 150 volunteers that serve for First Blessing. We will be serving the kids in Kerrville, Ingram, Harper, Medina, Comfort, and Centerpoint on Saturday, September 21st from 7:30-Noon. Contact Bianca or Kellee in the church office if you would like to join the team.


DR Mission Trip 2024

On June 1st, twenty-four TBCK members traveled to the Austin airport before the rooster crowed. Ranging in age from 12 to 60+, these missionaries worked diligently with our Dominican partners in a variety of ministries. Roof demolition, bookcase construction, medical clinics, VBS, sports camp, pastor’s conference, parent training, children’s ESL, varnishing bunk beds, baking class…these are some of the visible activities of the team. Relationships built around mealtimes, ministry and travel are an example of the less visible, but incredibly vital results of such trips.
Later this year we’ll print a full report, but for now here’s a few quotes from our TBCK short-term missionaries: “we can show God’s love even through a language barrier…in the DR, believers surrender to God’s desire, I seek to do this now…this trip helped refresh my love for serving others…this year my experience was all about making relationships with the global church…this year I wanted to work on stepping out of my comfort zone…for me to join alongside our Dominican hosts and help with the many activities was truly a joy…the joy and love I saw is something I really want to live by…celebrating the Lord’s Supper with the Dominicans was just a glimpse of what we will see in heaven…one thing that stood out to me was that they are willing to ask for help in their struggles…they don’t care that they have so  little because they have enough…I saw how God works through ministries such as the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering…I was convicted of making excuses not to spend time with God…God really opened my eyes to how blessed I am…when we serve it truly is about having a right heart…each time I come back with a fuller heart…it inspired me to pursue a greater relationship with our Lord…what stood out to me was the unity of the church…I saw God working through everyone…each day we were empowered by God’s grace…”


TBC Missions Committee

by Suzii March
Can you serve missions and never leave home?
Seated at a simple table on Jackson Street, the Trinity Missions Committee is helping TBCK to be the sending hands of Jesus Christ.

This committee is guided by scripture. Following the mandate of the great commission “Go ye therefore into all the world,” and seeking, like Acts 1, “ to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea , Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” we have supported missions as a coordinating hub to:

  • Review applications for long-term missionary families who want to stay in the TBCK Missions house. The house is booked two years out & people will come from three countries this year.
  • Explore refurbishing another mission house to be ready in 2025. People are already asking for 2026.
  • Review applications and allocate funds for TBCK members to serve on short-term missions in the U.S. and other countries.  This year members served in the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Thailand and Mexico. 
  • Support TBCK staff as a critical part of worldwide church leadership. Pastors and missionaries taught and mentored in Africa and Mexico.
  • Contact and support mission families who serve in partnership with TBCK on 3 continents—Central America, Africa, Asia.
  • Cooperate with mission agencies to explore possible mission service sites—groups among our Texas Baptist family and also in Nashville, Chicago, and Atlanta.
  • Pray for and communicate with missionaries serving short-term and long-term.
  • Plan and supervise the collection of 5 very important mission offerings throughout the year—Hunger, Christmas, Easter, Short-Term & Long-Term offerings.
Guided by Clint Brown and the TBCK staff, the Missions Committee coordinates historic mission partnerships like Dominican Republic and also explores new emerging mission needs.

Serving in a sinful and treacherous world is complicated. We strive to serve effectively, compassionately, and safely – but it is not easy. We need discernment and prayer from thoughtful TBCK disciples with caring hearts . We extend our appreciation to our Godly TBCK staff and to all using their time, talents and relationships. We offer our praise to God, with the added prayer “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” through our missions.



Ben & Susie Argil on Mission

Eight years is a long time to pray for someone or something.  But, it was not just words without deeds.  For M’s family, there was hope and a revelation from God.  They began to physically build a place not knowing that it would take years to see a church (people) gathering to worship the All-Powerful God, the great I AM. 
No name for this church yet.  But, they have a God-given vision:  to tell the redemptive story of God through His Son Jesus Christ to all the people of their community and beyond.
A love donation was given to complete the needed bathrooms.  The plan is for the project to be completed by the time a medical caravan arrives at the end of October.
Please pray for these villages and new churches where the medical team will be ministering:  La Quemada, Puerto de   Nieto, Alfa y Omega, Jesus Maria, and El Fraile.  There will be approximately 500 patients receiving much needed medication and services. 


Dominican Republic Mission Trip Testimonies

Ryia Neuman – If I am being perfectly honest, I was not all that excited about leaving Kerrville for the week. I was worried I was going to miss out on things happening here. It was also my first time traveling out of the country since I was 5 years old, so I was pretty nervous. We got there and my attitude towards it wasn’t great, but throughout the week God truly changed my heart. I got to work alongside Dominicans and they are such sweet and loving people. The Dominicans have hospitality like I’ve never seen before; the way they give everything when they have basically nothing is so inspiring to me. One of my favorite nights was when we ate in some of the church member’s homes and sat around the table and shared our testimonies, it was such a surreal experience and it warmed my heart. I also got the chance to work with some kids a couple of days during VBS and, even though I don’t know a lot of Spanish, I used what I did know. God truly showed me that I wasn’t there for me; I was there for them, and after I realized that it was a great life lesson and opportunity.
Rick Boles – Blessed beyond measure to go again and see what God has done and is doing through STCH and IBQ since 2006 for schools, Orphan Homes, and assistance with families for housing.
Aidan Hawkins – I had never been on an airplane and so that was a very new experience for me. It was so much fun seeing a different culture and meeting so many new friends. My two favorite people there were Angelica and Caroline. I’m hoping we are going to go next year. When we were at the orphanage, I helped cut the carrots for lunch and a bunny hopped into the house. I also helped paint a Jonah and the whale mural, and the basketball court. It was so much fun.
Isabella Hawkins – During my experience on the DR Trip, I was very busy. I helped with our VBS games at La Ceiba and it was fun. We played freeze tag and had a rock-paper-scissors relay race. The last day we just ran around and played. It was exciting to experience a different style of how people do things. I met a lot of amazing people in the DR. I hope I can go back and see them again next year.
Cortney Hawkins – Some of my most memorable moments of the DR trip include, even before we left, knowing many people were praying for us throughout this trip and all the preparations in coming! I really enjoyed getting to do regular devotions with the girls again; something that had waned over the holidays. Between VBS, med clinic and the orphanage, I was blessed to have special interactions at each place. My favorite was Wednesday evening, when after some worship, the whole congregation naturally went into small pairs or groups to pray before Bible study. I was able to pray with Cynthia, who knew very little English. And, with my very little Spanish, although conversations were stunted and brief, heartfelt prayers were lifted. After all – God knows English too.


Mission Trip Participants

Each year Trinity travels inside and outside the US on Mission, With potential trips to the Texas/Mexico border and to Cuba. Use the Connect Card to express your interest in going. Get your passport ready!