Missions Documents
27 June 2025
2025 DR Mission Trip
There are interest meetings scheduled for December 4 an January 12. We have a set number [18] of spaces available. This is a trip suitable for individuals and families. Basic Requirements Adults – personal relationship with Christ and a willing heart US Passport – expiration date of December 2025 or later Must be able […] ...
New Church Missionary Families
Moses Family Update
Geoffrey and Nicole, along with their four beautiful kids, have served in Sierra Leone since 2019, sharing their skills in a country with one of the highest disease burdens in the world. Geoffrey’s father is originally from Sierra Leone, a war-torn majority Muslim nation in West Africa and again, according to National Geographic, one of the most difficult places on earth. The country has one of the lowest life expectancies and highest infant mortality rates in the world. Geoffrey’s training is in family medicine and Nicole’s in occupational therapy.
Their work includes providing countless medical services, hosting medical teams, educating and training, building relationships and the witness of the great commission of the reconciliation between God and mankind through Jesus Christ. They homeschool their children.
TBCK is honored to help in the support of the Moses family. Hopefully they’ll be able to utilize one of our mission homes again in the future, as they still consider Kerrville as their home.
Children’s Ministry – October 2024
Trinity registered 398 kids, we had 322 kids and 104 families attend on Saturday, September 21st. We ministered to kids from all over our area. Some of those included are Kerrville ISD, Ingram ISD, Harper ISD, Hunt ISD, Divide ISD, Comfort ISD, Center Point ISD, Arms of Hope in Medina, KSTAR, HCYR, and Mercy Gate Ministries.
I’m so very grateful for a talented leadership team that recruits and leads so very well. Thank you Trinity, for serving so very well!
Meet Trinity Missionaries Ben & Susie Argil, Mexico
First Blessing 2024
DR Mission Trip 2024
TBC Missions Committee
This committee is guided by scripture. Following the mandate of the great commission “Go ye therefore into all the world,” and seeking, like Acts 1, “ to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea , Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” we have supported missions as a coordinating hub to:
- Review applications for long-term missionary families who want to stay in the TBCK Missions house. The house is booked two years out & people will come from three countries this year.
- Explore refurbishing another mission house to be ready in 2025. People are already asking for 2026.
- Review applications and allocate funds for TBCK members to serve on short-term missions in the U.S. and other countries. This year members served in the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Thailand and Mexico.
- Support TBCK staff as a critical part of worldwide church leadership. Pastors and missionaries taught and mentored in Africa and Mexico.
- Contact and support mission families who serve in partnership with TBCK on 3 continents—Central America, Africa, Asia.
- Cooperate with mission agencies to explore possible mission service sites—groups among our Texas Baptist family and also in Nashville, Chicago, and Atlanta.
- Pray for and communicate with missionaries serving short-term and long-term.
- Plan and supervise the collection of 5 very important mission offerings throughout the year—Hunger, Christmas, Easter, Short-Term & Long-Term offerings.
Serving in a sinful and treacherous world is complicated. We strive to serve effectively, compassionately, and safely – but it is not easy. We need discernment and prayer from thoughtful TBCK disciples with caring hearts . We extend our appreciation to our Godly TBCK staff and to all using their time, talents and relationships. We offer our praise to God, with the added prayer “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” through our missions.
Ben & Susie Argil on Mission
Dominican Republic Mission Trip Testimonies