Trinity Student Ministry’s (TSM) end goal is to help students (6th-12th Grade) grow in their relationship with God. We do this by teaching them to Grow Roots (Worship), to Grab Hands (Connect), and to Go Wide (Serve).
Stay Up to date with events by downloading the TSM app and enabling notifications. 
You can also download and fill out Medical Release form by clicking here.


We meet each Sunday morning at 11:00 in The Refinery located on the first floor near the elevator. After grabbing a donut and signing in, we gather together for worship and Bible study. During the school year, our Middles School Circles (Small Groups) meet during this time while High School is in one group in the Forge. For Summer and December we meet with everyone together during this time.
We also have a 9:45am Bible Study option in The Refinery for those who choose to attend worship at 8:30am or 11am.


TSM WEDNESDAYS are the best day of the week. Doors open each week at 5:30pm for hangout time and we finish at 7pm. At 6pm we start with everyone together for worship, and announcements, then dismiss High School to Circles (more on that shortly). From there, we have a service designed for our Middle Schoolers to connect and challenge them in their Faith. Meanwhile, our High Schoolers meet in Circles (Small Groups) to find community through small group Bible study and accountability. 
We have willing adults who are more than willing to help point students in the right direction to get connected and involved.


Along with the weekly meeting times listed above are a whole set of other ways for your student to connect at Trinity including:

  • Parent Ministry – parent specific events and meetings. Click here to access our most recent Parent Update. 
  • Camps and Retreats
  • Mission Trips (Domestic & International)
  • Cookouts, Game nights, and other fellowship times
  • Service and Mission opportunities in the community

Sign Up for our Parent Newsletter

We believe Parents play the most integral part of a student’s faith development. That’s why we aim to equip and listen to our parents. One key element is our “Every Other Week” email newsletter we send out. You can always click here to see the most recent newsletter, or (even better) sign up below to make sure you receive it when it comes out.

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Student Ministry Volunteer

We offer a variety of ways for Trinity Members to volunteer and serve in the Student Ministry. Filling out a volunteer application is required. The application includes giving permission for a background check. Contact Wes for more information and to get started serving with TSM!