Life at Trinity is given order through three words: Worship, Connect, and Serve. God has gifted each of us differently and equipped us with different passions and preferences. With the choices at Trinity we ask that you seek to Worship with the church, Connect with a small group, and Serve in a way God has gifted you once a week. To help make that simpler we place the things we do under the word that best fits that group or activity. Start by choosing one thing from each area.
Jan '25

The Bridge Class Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary
Jan '25

by Keith & Debbie Williams
Thank YOU, LORD!
January 7, 2024, The Bridge Class began. It’s been an exciting year filled with blessing as we have dug deep into 1 & 2 Thessalonians, a study of Heaven and Angels, James, and Ephesians. We’re looking forward to including a rich study from the Old Testament in 2025 as well as additional studies in the NT.
Bridge Ministry Team members, Don and Debbie Nelson, Frank and Judy Stevens and Ben and Suzii March, who God called to help start The Bridge, have been vital to the class serving as Director, Outreach, Fellowship, Greeter, Teachers and MORE! They are blessings!
The Bridge Class 3-Fold Mission includes:
1st-Bridging Our Relationship with Jesus. John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, & the life…”
We do this through In-depth Bible Study teaching and group participation.
1st-Bridging Our Relationship with Jesus. John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, & the life…”
We do this through In-depth Bible Study teaching and group participation.
2nd-Bridging Our Relationship with One Another. Hebrews 10:25 “Do not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing…but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching.
Loving Relationships, Fellowships, Prayer & Praises, Calls, Meals, and Connecting outside of class has grown our class into a warm group of friends who love and pray for each other and laugh together. We can’t wait to see each other on Sundays!
Loving Relationships, Fellowships, Prayer & Praises, Calls, Meals, and Connecting outside of class has grown our class into a warm group of friends who love and pray for each other and laugh together. We can’t wait to see each other on Sundays!
3rd-Bridging Our Relationship with Un-believers & Seekers. Matthew 28:19-20 “Go…and make disciples…”
We take serious Jesus’s command to go and make disciples. We notice others around us and invite them to The Bridge. We practice friendship evangelism as well as seasonal outreach such as winter care bags for the homeless, Valentine John 3:16 evangelism outreach, March – The Victor, April Solar Eclipse evangelism cards, December Candy Cane Evangelism.
We take serious Jesus’s command to go and make disciples. We notice others around us and invite them to The Bridge. We practice friendship evangelism as well as seasonal outreach such as winter care bags for the homeless, Valentine John 3:16 evangelism outreach, March – The Victor, April Solar Eclipse evangelism cards, December Candy Cane Evangelism.
The Bridge Class has members of all walks of life, ages and stages, married, single, widowed, divorced. Our common bond is the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. If you don’t have a class, we’d love for you to pop in and visit. You’ll be welcomed with warm smiles, loving hearts, and lots of JOY!
Trinity Life – January 2025
Jan '25

Women’s Ministry Conference
Jan '25

by Melinda Cox
Women’s Ministry will be hosting a 3-day conference beginning Friday evening January 31 from 6 to 9pm and continuing through the weekend on Saturday, February 1 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM on Sunday February 2. Heavy Hors d’oeuvres will be served Friday evening in the Café; Soup, salad, and dessert on Saturday at Noon; and a Salad Luncheon will be served on Sunday in the Family Life Center at 12:00 Noon.
Dr. Katie Fruge’ of Texas Baptists will be speaking at the conference each day. The theme will be from Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your Lord.”
Ladies, we ask that you prayerfully consider coming to this Women’s Conference as we fellowship together, meet new friends, and explore Micah 6:8.
Jan '25

Crossroads Class – January 2025
Jan '25

by Lanie Ebelt
Welcome to the Crossroads Class. We are located in the Family Life Center on Sunday morning at 9:45 until 10:45. We are a class of multi-generational ages and backgrounds which make us very diverse and interesting!
Our teacher is Gary Anderson. We do not follow a printed lesson, but Gary gives us what God has laid on his heart to teach which is usually a book of the Bible. We were in Genesis for the 40 years the Jews wandered in the wilderness! But it was fun to be with them each step of the way. Gary has a unique way of tying together Biblical history and American history at the same time. We have learned a great deal about our fore-fathers and the part God played in our country from the beginning. From time to time when Gary has to be away from class, we have other teachers who fill in for him.
We are a very loving and friendly group even though we have a large enrollment. And more importantly than that, we are a strong praying group. We send out prayer requests each Sunday afternoon that people have asked for that morning. If needed from time to time, special requests go out during the day sometimes everyday with updates, too. We try to keep the requests covered in prayer!
I am Lanie Ebelt, Director of the class. I do my best to keep all things flowing in a smooth manner so that on Sunday morning, Bible study and fellowship is what can be focused on. I am open to hearing what you have to say as a suggestion and will try to work on what might be requested. But I will not promise it will happen. It is my philosophy that you try our class and then try the other classes that Trinity has to offer. “Go where you are fed” is my motto.
We would enjoy having you come and try us out and see if it is a fit. We do like to party from time to time but find that we are quite busy with family and travel. I encourage you to find your time of worship, your Bible study class, and then your place of service here at Trinity Baptist Church!
Jan '25

Student Ministry – January 2025
Jan '25

It’s funny to me how the little daily decisions we make have the potential to end up impacting us greatly down the road. As I have lost weight, I feel the “weight” of poor eating decisions. I can often overcome one or two poor decisions, but one or two poor decisions each day for a week add up.
But the same is true of the good decisions. Making one or two good decisions each day adds up as well. Slowly, over time, making the right choice over and over reaps rewards.
Working with teenagers, I see this played out, both ways. Someone makes a couple of poor decisions, over and over, and they often find themselves facing consequences. At the same time, when they make wise decisions, the results can be just as obvious.
The truth is, for all of us, the right decisions make a difference. So, what “right” decisions are you going to make this year? I hope you joined with us on the Trinity Bible reading plan in 2024. You may not have been perfect at it, but hopefully you make the decision to read time and again. If so, yay! If not, then now’s a great time to start.
One other good decision: pray for the student ministry. Pray for students to live out their faith. Pray for our adult volunteers and that relationships will grow and gospel conversation will be abundant. Pray for our seniors who will graduate in May and their parents (of which I am one!). Pray for our 6th graders as they navigate a new phase of Middle School. Pray for Disciple Now coming up in February.
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for 2025!
Jan '25

Children’s Ministry – January 2025
Jan '25

As I look back on this last year of Ministry in our Children’s area, I am so truly thankful to get to serve alongside some of the most amazing teachers, shepherds and servants. From our Easter Walk Thru, VBS, Camps, First Blessing, Night in Bethlehem, Disciple Kids, Sunday Morning Bible Study and so much more, we have the best people serving our kids and community. I love our Children’s Ministry Team, it is such a blessing to get to serve alongside such amazing men and women!
Parents and Grandparents, remember to pick up your “Spiritual Conversation” Boxes in front of the Children’s Area if you haven’t already. We hope these conversation starters help you have spiritual conversations with your children and grandchildren and will fit into your routine easily. We definitely want kids to know that they are “Created by God and Made for a Purpose”!
Jan '25

Joyseekers Class – January 2025
Jan '25

by Sharon Purswell
Greeting everyone with wishes for A Happy New Year from the Joyseeker’s Class!
My name is Sharon Purswell and my husband, Randy and I, are members of the Joyseeker’s Class and have been for almost 10 years. If you’re new to Trinity, or are not yet part of a Bible Study group, we’d like to invite you to check us out. We’d love the opportunity to meet you. We meet in Room 224 just above the Gym/Family Life Center.
We have three great teachers who rotate weekly and whose teaching styles are very diverse. Our study materials are taken from study manuals which promote and invite interactive discussions.
As long-time members of this amazing class, we have learned that it is a class filled with true prayer warriors who are full of compassion and love. If you visit us, the very walls in our classroom indicate signs of the love of those within this group. You might come to learn that “We’re family” and we’d love having you join us. We pray for each other, socialize together whether one-on-one or in a group setting in homes or just hanging out with each other. We generally look after each other’s needs. We’re folks who enjoy the study of God’s Word together, enjoy sweet fellowship together and have fun & laughter all along the way!
Look forward to meeting you soon!
Jan '25

New Church Missionary Families
Jan '25

In 2025, Trinity is adding two missionary families to the five we have been supporting directly in 2024. Each year in early Fall Trinity’s Missions Committee recommends to the church missionary families for monthly financial support. Along with that support we add these families to our prayer support for missionaries. Through our connection to these missionaries we are joining in on what God is doing in the world and being enriched to join Him in His work here in Kerrville.

Austin & Kate Roden, Knox, Blakey, and Ember – Great Commission Baptist Church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Austin & Kate have a Facebook Group you can follow them on. There you will be able to hear what God is doing in Cambodia. Every two to three months they will be sending out a newsletter that will be viewable on Wednesday nights here at Trinity. Look for it and the address for their Facebook group on the Missionary Update table in the FLC.

Kara O’Connell, Associate BSM Director – Baylor Campus
While participating in the BSM at Stephen F. Austin, Kara answered God’s call to College Ministry. Beginning as a Campus Missionary Intern at Baylor after graduation she is now serving as Associate Director of Baylor BSM. Her position includes the BSM work at McClennan Community College. Along with the monthly financial support Trinity provides we can be involved in God’s work through Kara by praying for and encouraging her.
Learn more about missionaries Trinity supports directly by coming by the Missionary Update table on Wednesday nights in the FLC and the Missions page of Trinity website at
Jan '25

For the Journey – January 2025
Jan '25

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13
Happy New Year! As we set our sights on what is ahead, we really don’t forget 2024. We are grateful for the lessons learned and blessings received. I have heard from several of you regarding our reading of Scripture together last year. We will continue to do so this year as we begin reading the Old Testament. You can pick up a reading guide for 2025 at the church. We will start with Genesis 1 on January 1.
The church has nominated some incredible men to serve as deacons and the names are now moving through the process of selection and interviews by the New Deacon Selection Task Force. The deacon leadership has interviewed four deacons who have served in other churches and have been a member at Trinity Baptist for at least one year. We are hopeful that these men, as well as those recommenced by the Task Force, will be in place in the next few months. We have incredible deacons who serve Trinity as faithful servants.
Come Journey With Us … You will hear more about the plans for 2025 as we continue to spend time together. In March, we will celebrate Trinity Baptist’s seventy-fifth anniversary. We are making plans for a church-wide banquet on March 23. You will hear more about it, but we are also hoping to give ourselves a great birthday present by knocking down our debt in a great way. Our newest building is being used in incredible ways every week. God has been so good to us and our church has been so faithful to cover our debt. I look forward to the day when we will once again be debt free and allow ourselves to continue blessing others.
Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate Christmas in such a grand way. From choirs, to dramas, to invitations for services, Trinity has been active in expressing God’s goodness and inviting others to join us on our journey. God has great plans for us and I am excited about what God is making known to us. May this year be even a greater year of worshiping, connecting, and serving the LORD together.
In Christ,
Dec '24

For the Journey – December 2024
Dec '24

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
What a blessed time of year to remember and declare God’s goodness to us. When we are truly thankful for all God has done, we can be joyful in all He is doing. God is at work and we rejoice in all of His activity among and around us. Prepare yourselves this season to celebrate Jesus, God’s greatest gift. Take notice and advantage of the many gatherings to do so at Trinity Baptist Church.
On December 15th, we will be gathering in our times of worship to nominate potential deacons to serve at TBC. Our New Deacon Selection Task Force is ready to complete their task of securing additional deacons. Each church member will have the opportunity to nominate up to three men to possibly serve as deacons of TBC.
What to do? Pray about who God may place on your heart to nominate. Ask that individual if they would be willing to serve as a deacon should they be selected. Should God lead you to do so, nominate up to three men. You can nominate one, two or three. Don’t nominate anyone you have not talked with about serving.
What to consider? I am not sure anyone qualifies to serve as a pastor or deacon. We all need the LORD in our life to lead us and we don’t qualify on our own. However, there are qualities that need to be present in the life of those who serve in these positions. Scriptures would lead us to these qualities: serious purpose, honest in speech, temperate in living, steward of possessions, spiritual integrity, proven spiritual maturity, Christian family life.
Trinity deacons also feel strongly that they should: attend worship services, belong to a Bible study class, contribute faithfully to the finances of the church through stewardship, assume service with responsibility and support the ministers of the church.
Church members who may not be nominated are men currently serving as deacons and those who have not been a member of TBC for at least one year. A list of current deacons will be published. As you pray about this and the LORD places a name on your heart, ask them if they would be willing to serve before nominating them. We are hopeful and prayerful that we will have a list of potential deacons for church vote in February. At that time, each person presented will need to carry a two-thirds vote by the church to be selected.
We have incredible men who serve as Trinity deacons. They are a blessing to us in many ways that go undetected. Thank you, deacons. Thank you, Trinity.
Merry Christmas,
Dec '24

Genesis Class: A Transformative Bible Study Experience
Dec '24

by Dale Moreau
Are you ready to dive deeper into the Bible and truly understand its meaning? The Genesis Class is here to help you do just that! Whether you’re a teenager, young adult, husband, wife, or seasoned Bible reader, our class welcomes everyone eager to explore the Scriptures in a fresh and exciting way.
Unlike traditional Bible study classes, our approach goes beyond rote memorization or becoming a scholar in Greek and Hebrew. We emphasize understanding the meanings of the biblical languages in a practical way. You will learn to pose insightful questions, identify flawed interpretations, and seek comprehensive explanations that resonate on a deeper level.
Imagine reading a Bible verse you’ve memorized, like Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Have you ever wondered, what exactly is the gift of God? Is it grace, faith, or something else? Our class will guide you through questions like these, helping you uncover the true meaning behind the words.
We recently finished our study of the Book of Revelation and before that the Book of Genesis and are now excited to begin a new journey: What is the Gospel and What is Salvation? This study is unlike anything you’ve experienced before!
Join us in room 217, upstairs near the elevator, in the new building. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to grow in your understanding of the Bible and enrich your faith.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Dec '24

Children’s Ministry – December 2024
Dec '24

We’ve got a few new things going on this winter for parents and grandparents. The first is some new signage on our glass doors and walls. You’ll notice our Trinity Kids Core Value on our Trinity Kids Sign: “Created by God, Made for a Purpose.” You’ll also begin to see additional signs on the glass walls that expand our philosophy/core values.
The second is a new program we are beginning called D6 Family Discipleship. This will be a take home box for parents to help with Spiritual Conversations with their kids. These boxes will be available by the Kid’s Area in mid-November. Each box contains the following:
- Meal Time Conversation Cards
- Drive Time After School Conversation Starters
- Bed Time Family Faith–Talk Starters
We are also adding for the month of December the Advent Flip Chart which can be used at another time or in place of the Conversation Cards. We want to help and support you as parents and grandparents as you disciple your kids.
Deut 6:6-7 “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Dec '24

Prime Time Adult Ministries
Dec '24

by Don Francis
Prime Time adult ministries is typically geared toward our senior adults 55 and up but all are welcome.
Genesis 1 Hikers – This is a fun, physical, once a month activity in which we travel to a state park, cavern and other points of interest in our area. It is open to all ages depending on their abilities to maneuver rough terrain at times. We try to keep our hike on easy to moderate trails. We do not meet June through August because of the heat. May and September, we try to go to caves and caverns to avoid the sun and heat. It provides a great time to fellowship and enjoy God’s wonderful creation. April finds us at Inks State Park for the blooming bluebonnets and Lost Maples State Park in November for the leaf color change. We leave the church at 8:30am, returning around 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon. Most hikes we take a sack lunch, but if there is a fun restaurant nearby, we will stop for a “Dutch treat” lunch.
Prime Time Game Day – The excitement happens throughout the year on the first Monday of the month (holidays move to the second Monday). It is a great time of fun and fellowship. We start at noon with a sack lunch and gaming begins soon after. We have a great time playing Mexican Train, Rummikub and 42. We meet in the church Café and play until 3:00. Bring your favorite game and join us!
Prime Time Dinners – Our senior adults have activities throughout the year except June, July and August. We try to have a potluck every other month. They usually consist of a theme that is helpful and of special interest to senior adults. Sometimes we have special music or just a time of singing and giving praise to our Lord and Savior. Occasionally the church will provide the main course, and we bring a side dish or dessert. We have been known to have a Ray Stevens impersonator singing the Great Mississippi Squirrel Revival and our very own church quartet! Don’t miss our food, fun, and fellowship. ENCORE is a special two-day version of our Prime Time dinners which is held each May.