Wes Henson

Minister of Youth
Wes is a husband, father, son, brother, teacher, and guitar player.
He and his wife Mica have two girls, Anna and Charis. He believes with all his heart that God has called his family to serve the church through student ministry.
Wes came to Trinity from Bronte, Texas in March 2019 where he was serving at First Baptist Church. He is an active blogger. (threequestionleadership.com)
He attended and graduated from Hardin-Simmons University and Logsdon Seminary.

Youth Ministry – January 2023

I rarely get tired of saying this, but I love the energy the New Year brings. It’s taken me a couple of decades to find a good rhythm, but I always like the feeling of refreshing and renewal that comes with a new year.
2023 has some exciting things in store for Trinity Students. We are eagerly awaiting the Grand Opening of our new space on the 8th, and all the opportunities that are coming our way as a result. We will launch our Spring Semester of Circles for both High School and Middle School in the middle of the month, as well as host the Family Gathering for a Chili Cook-Off and our 2nd Colossal Cornhole Tournament. And that’s just in the first few weeks of the new year!
I always like to take the energy of the new year to thank our wonderful adults who are so generous with their time and effort as we seek to help students develop a growing relationship with God. So, to our adults who donate time, energy, money, attention, and prayers…THANK YOU! We could not do what we do without you. 
And, to our Trinity family, thank you. We could not do what we do without you, too. Your generosity, love and care embodies what the Body of Christ should be. Thank you!


Trinity Student Ministries

Wow, it’s difficult to believe we are already in the month of November. October flew by. We were so incredibly fortunate for our Student Worship Team to have the opportunity to lead worship for Tivy’s Fields of Faith. It was a great night as the Gospel was shared and students were given an opportunity to respond.
We followed Fields of Faith with our 4th Glo Games. 90 students showed up to participate in the games with us, and we had a blast. Add to it, we had over 25 adults who showed up to help, and I cannot thank Shelby Peschel enough for all the hard work she put into recruiting adults to help.
As we continue to grow, it’s the willingness of Trinity members to serve in the student ministry that plays the biggest part of our success. If you’re reading this and not serving anywhere, and are interested in helping with the students, please reach out to Marlene or myself so we can visit. We’d love to have you join us.
As we look at November, we have three key events: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox packing on Wednesday, November 2nd; CAM Thanksgiving Box packing on Saturday, November 5th; and Fall Retreat on November 20 & 21. Sign ups for Fall Retreat can be done at tbck.org/students or through the TSM App.
Finally, I’m beyond excited about the new space as the building nears completion. We are excitedly looking forward to welcoming new students and families into the Trinity Family, and helping make connections along the way.


Youth Ministry – September 2022

The beginning of school is always a busy time of year in Student Ministry. New routines start to get established and new experiences start to take root as teenagers return to school.
We have some exciting things happening in the Student Ministry here at Trinity. One of the things I love is seeing how students who connected at camp have come home and are experiencing a new level of encouragement on Sundays and Wednesdays. Even better than that, seeing students take next steps of faith is a remarkable sight as well.
I say this often, but not nearly often enough: Thank you, Trinity family, for all of your support. I often find myself speechless in the willingness of our body to serve with what they have—time or resources or both. I cannot express how grateful I am to be part of this church.
Finally, please be in prayer for students and families as most schools are already 2-3 weeks into the new school year. For students, pray they will have the courage to take a stand for their faith, the boldness to start (or even simply make the most of) spiritual conversations, and a growth in their own faith. For parents, pray for the time spent driving to and from school and practices, and those parents who are grieving the loss of car time with their newly licensed drivers.


Youth Ministry – March 2022

The last three February’s we have opened up camp registration and offered a “VIP” signup window. During the first three weeks of registration, every student who is signed up for camp is counted as a “VIP” and gets perks and privileges at camp. It’s a fun way to help build excitement about Youth Camp.
I asked a few of our VIP Students what they are most looking forward to about camp, and here are their answers:
Jack Bowers, 8th Grade – I’m looking forward to hanging out with friends and building relationships
Elisa Keese, 11th Grade – The connections I get to build with younger youth. All of my friends are doing different activities at different times so I kind of jump around with who I’m hanging out with. With this I get to talk to people I may have never spoken to before and I get to know their personalities and sometimes even engage in conversations about their faith. I return home with more friends than I started with.
Christian Stahl, 10th Grade – Probably learning more about God and learning how to spread his word
Anna Henson, 9th Grade – I am looking forward to building friendships and having fun at activities such as block parties and archery tag.
Carson Boles, 10th Grade – The time with friends, worship, and just the experience I know God will give me.
Ryia Neuman, 11th Grade – The worship
Cayden Brown, 10th Grade – Finding random people to hang out with at Rec and with our camp color groups
Luke Bowers, 6th Grade – Growing friendships, making new friends, and growing in my faith.
If you know a 6th-12th grade student who would be interested in joining us, we would love to have them! They can sign up at tbck.org/students.


Youth Ministry

February may be one of my favorite months of ministry at Trinity for one simple reason: Camp VIP Signups open up!
Now, that may seem extreme, but allow me a second to explain myself. So much of what happens at Trinity Student Ministry is helping students explore what it means to grow in their relationship with God. One of the best ways to jumpstart faith is to do so in community—through relationships with like minded peers who are also striving to grow closer to God.
One of the best things TSM offers to help with that is camp. At camp friendships are formed, relationships are deepened, memories are made, and inside jokes take root. And that’s not even taking into account the incredible worship and intentional time studying God’s word together! Talk about life change!
So, why does this make February one of my favorite months? Because now is when we start building excitement and anticipation for what God is going to do in, around, and through us this summer. It helps us find something to look forward to and to spur each other on towards.
Last year at camp I saw memories being made, friendships taking shape, and lives being changed and challenged. And I cannot wait for God to do even more this summer!
Best of all: if you sign up for camp during our VIP registration period, you get perks! Keep your eyes open for more details on perks as they’re announced this week.


TSM Update – January 2022

I love the energy and excitement that comes with a new year. I enjoy routine, but sometimes our routines need a reset. January provides such an opportunity.
We had a great 2021, all things considered. Camp was a large focus of what we did, and it allowed us to spring into August with some great momentum. December, however, was a great month as well. We had a blast at Circles Live, then competed in the Christma-Lympics for our TSM Christmas party. Combine that with time together and caroling, and the Christmas season was so much fun.
For 2022, I’m looking forward to camp and the opportunities we are going to have there. But that’s not the best part of the year. We have some exciting events and opportunities, beginning with our Circles each Wednesday at 6pm. Circles provide an opportunity for students to navigate the intersection of faith and life. We’ve seen relationships with God and with each other deepen and hope to continue to see more and more students join us.
One final word: thank you to all the adults who have stepped up to help this past year. We could not do what we do without awesome people who love God and like teenagers (even just a little). Thanks for all you do!
– Wes Henson