Children’s Ministry – November 2023

One thought that comes to my mind often, is how incredibly grateful I am for Trinity Baptist Church. The Children’s Team that I have the privilege of serving alongside, is such a joy. The Teachers that share the gospel with kids each week, the Shepherds that support and lead, and the Plan Teams that make our events happen are absolutely terrific and I am so blessed by them every day.
My words are not adequate enough to express how wonderful these leaders are to our children, families and me personally. I see these leaders live out Philippians 2:1-2 which says “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”  With one purpose, these amazing leaders pray for, teach, and love kids and parents.

If you see one of our Children’s Team, please pray for them and thank them for their dedicated service.



Men’s Bible Study

by Philip Meadow
Life is HARD!
Everything takes our time:  family (good and bad), everything that owns us.  And, as we get older, we have appointments (mostly doctors’ appointments!). Something is always taking our fleeting time. YET – on Thursday mornings at 10:00am there is peace and calm with learning and fellowship.  Come sit at the feet of Biblical masters, Bill and Dale as they lead us through GOD’s word.
Bill Parr was an ordinary, lost, heathen man, with Merchant Marine and Army experience until the LORD called him into the ministry. Once the LORD called, Bill went to seminary and became an ordained minister. Because of this background, Brother Bill can present GOD’s word so that an ordinary man can clearly understand it.  Dale Moreau has a background in the Hebrew text, helping us understand the how, what and why the scriptures were written.  Together, we cover the daily application and a deep understanding of GOD’s word.
The men’s Bible Study is open to all men.  We have men from other denominations, men that are engineers, men that own local businesses, men that work at local businesses, lawyers, teachers, salesmen, and a lot of men that are retired.  But, on Thursday mornings we are all ordinary men, learning about GOD’s word, sharing our prayer needs, our stories, our love of GOD’s word, and    always some great cookies and coffee!  GOD’s word says he wants you to join with other believers and grow in knowledge and wisdom so that when you share GOD’s word, you are more confident in your understanding of His word. 

So, men, I encourage you to try something easy, and worth the time. Come to the Men’s Bible Study Thursday mornings at 10:00 in The Forge (behind the TBC café), to enjoy the fellowship and be filled with cookies, coffee, and knowledge!


Adult Ministry – November 2023

Do you remember the teachers who would let you take an “Open Book” test? How about grading your spelling test by “passing it across the aisle” for your neighbor to score? Or the dreaded group project; where either you did all the work, or arguments prevented any meaningful accomplishment!? Your last school exam may have been 20-50 years ago, but there are still areas of your life that need evaluation.
One part of your life that needs a regular assessment is your Bible study group. Don’t worry, it is an Open Book test! For many, attendance is the only measurement used to gauge group health. Ken Braddy, a discipleship consultant with LifeWay, has complied a new “scorecard” to better quantify the spiritual health of our small group Bible studies.
Braddy’s scorecard has four major categories. One: Do group members learn and obey God’s Word? Two: Do they invite people to become disciples? Three: Are they forming deeper relationships? Four: Do they engage in acts of service?
This list is not exhaustive, but let me share a few probing queries to flesh out Ken’s questions.
Measurement One: Are apprentice leaders identified and developed; are new groups started?
Measurement Two: Are prayers focused on the lost; do group members initiate gospel conversations?
Measurement Three:  How balanced are connection and content; do newcomers experience biblical hospitality?
Measurement Four: Does our group make a difference in the community; do our group members serve in leadership roles for our group?
It requires a courageous change of heart and mind to begin evaluating yourself and your small group Bible Study by more than attendance. Healthy small groups make for a healthy church. Here at Trinity we have a good ministry, let’s press on to make it even better!


Ben & Susie Argil on Mission

Eight years is a long time to pray for someone or something.  But, it was not just words without deeds.  For M’s family, there was hope and a revelation from God.  They began to physically build a place not knowing that it would take years to see a church (people) gathering to worship the All-Powerful God, the great I AM. 
No name for this church yet.  But, they have a God-given vision:  to tell the redemptive story of God through His Son Jesus Christ to all the people of their community and beyond.
A love donation was given to complete the needed bathrooms.  The plan is for the project to be completed by the time a medical caravan arrives at the end of October.
Please pray for these villages and new churches where the medical team will be ministering:  La Quemada, Puerto de   Nieto, Alfa y Omega, Jesus Maria, and El Fraile.  There will be approximately 500 patients receiving much needed medication and services. 


Kerrville’s ’23 & ’24 Eclipse Events

These will be historic events in Kerrville. Two major eclipse events within 177 days of each other. Because of Kerrville’s proximity to I-10 we are expecting our area to be a gathering place for anyone East and West interested in experiencing either event. Since our area is in the crossing paths of the two events anyone interested in that novelty will be attracted to the Kerrville area.
We know that these events will put stress on local resources like we have never seen, nor will we ever see again. Estimates start at 50,000 extra people in October and 150,000 extra people in April added to our area. Kerrville’s population in 2023 is 24,292 according to
  • Be prepared with at least 5 days’ worth of food, fuel, medicine, etc. at least two days before the events.  Anything you would normally just go get as needed may be unavailable or unreachable for the day or two of the events.
  • Plan to not travel much or at all while roads are crowded. (Trinity will have a normal schedule Sun., October 15th, but will have ONE Service Sun., April 7th.)  Gather with family and friends with the idea they are going to stay until crowds thin out.
  • Don’t look directly at the sun. Use eclipse approved glasses or an indirect method of viewing the eclipse. 
  • Be wise, but prepared to model the friendly nature of Kerrville to Eclipse travelers if called upon. Be excellent toward each other.


For the Journey – October 2023

We believe in God the Father, we believe in Jesus Christ, we believe in the Holy Spirit and He’s given us new life. We believe in the crucifixion, we believe that He conquered death, we believe in the resurrection, and He’s coming back again, we believe. These are the words to the chorus of the song, We Believe, by Matthew Hopper, Richie Fike, and Travis Ryan. Those words have been a part of our singing vocabulary for many years and hopefully a part of our spoken vocabulary as well.
What we believe is important because it not only describes who we are but what we do. It is important that we pass along our truth statements to our families. Our children will be more likely to make them their truth statements when they see our words and actions working together.
I am excited about our “We Believe” series. It is both affirming and encouraging to know we are moving in the same directions as a faith family. It has been a blessing to see students and adults coming to follow Jesus in biblical  believers baptism. We are still scheduling others. God has been faithful to bring fruit when we are faithful to tell His story.
At Midweek this month, we will be encoring our marriages through a time we have entitled, “Loving on Marriages.” On October 18th, 25th and November 1st and 8th, we will be gathering to celebrate God’s gift of marriage and consider next steps of faithfulness and blessing. I am a firm believer that as goes marriages, so goes the families; as goes the family, so goes the community; as goes the communities, so goes the country.
I want to thank Mike Mullens for helping to put together our most recent time of praying during the Jewish festivals for the Jewish people to come to recognize Jesus as Messiah. May we continue to pray for Israel, the Jewish people and the world as often as they come to mind. It has been an added blessing to pray for the Jewish people during the days of their fall festival days. I know for a fact that those who attended Midweek were blessed as we studied and learned together.
Great things are happening at Trinity Baptist Church! My prayer is that we continue to think outside the box and minister outside the walls of the church. Our city needs to hear about Jesus and the relationship that He provides. The foundation of everything we do that matters hinges upon declaring Jesus is LORD. Let’s continue to join our voices and our paths as we declare God’s good news to those around us.
In Christ,

Pastor John


Prime Time Singers – October 2023

by Doug Lusk
The Prime Time Singers is a family of people who love the Lord and who love to sing, and they are delighted to spread His word by doing something they enjoy so much. 
Interim Choir Director Becky Doyle did a superb job last season in directing and helping the choir learn the songs they performed for people who might not otherwise have the chance to hear music live and in person.
This season the Singers will be directed by Charlie Barganier, Trinity’s new Minister of Worship. Lew King will continue as pianist/arranger. A number of his works are included in the group’s repertoire. Rehearsals are held at 10 am on Tuesdays and last about an hour and a half.
The first Sing Outs of the new season are tentatively scheduled for River Hill on September 26 and at Hilltop October 17. Participation in the 2023 Everlasting Choir Celebration is being considered and will be decided in October.

Prime Time Singers was pleased to welcome several new members recently and always has another chair available for more. They will gladly welcome you to join them in joyously singing about God’s love and grace.



Trinity Student Ministry Circles – October 2023

by Melissa Morris
In Trinity’s Student Ministry, Circles are vibrant small groups whose goal is to help students feel seen, heard, and known; make Biblical connections; and equip and challenge students to live out their faith. We could not do it without our Circle Leaders! These are remarkable individuals who play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of the middle and high school students in our church.
Circle Leaders are compassionate mentors. They provide a safe and nurturing environment for students to grow spiritually, emotionally, and  socially. These leaders are also inspirational role models. Their faith and values serve as an example for the youth, encouraging them to ask questions and strengthen their relationship with God. Their ability to connect Biblical teachings with real-life experiences makes faith relevant and relatable to teens. Circle Leaders are also excellent listeners. They offer a space for teenagers to share their concerns, doubts, and joys. This active listening fosters trust and open communication, allowing students to navigate the challenges of adolescence with support and guidance.
Circle Leaders also help with a wide range of   activities, such as Youth Camp, Glo Games, and Retreats. They are quick to say, “Yes!” when a need arises and give their time to help our students grow closer to God, foster connections, and build solid foundations.
Our Circle Leaders are exceptional individuals who are inspiring, guiding, and equipping a generation of young disciples to continue to grow in their faith. Their selfless dedication and un-wavering faith is creating a lasting impact by helping students know God and become compassionate, responsible, and spiritually grounded  individuals.



Night in Bethlehem This Christmas

by Robert Wheat


“Angels We Have Heard On High,” AND we have seen them roaming around TBC property with shepherds, Wise Men, Inn Keepers, and more!  December is not so far away that you can’t hear the echo of these treasured moments coming to life.  I literally mean – COMING TO LIFE!  The Hill Country near Bethlehem is not so different from our very own, and that’s what makes our back parking lot center stage for the birthday celebration of Christ.  We have very talented members here who bring out their best staging skills, backdrops, construction talent alongside their portrayal of the various characters who announce the Coming Christ.  When night begins to fall, our crew begins to call… “O Come, O Come Emmanuel!”
As vehicles begin to line up down the street, our parking lot staff navigate those inside to tune in, and listen to the story unfold before their very eyes.  Each vehicle turns off their lights, turns on their radios, and tunes into the most amazing story played out before their very eyes as they drive through. 

This is an incredible time to use your gifts like the Wise Men, and come, set-up, act-up, and build-up the community around us with the story of Christ’s Birth.  Each night seems to bring more folks out to share in this celebration, and each year seems to brighten up our hearts in sacrificing the talents we possess for the Birthday of the King!  A “Night In Bethlehem” is just the beginning for some to experience Christ, but it is the “Joy to the World” for those who give their talent and time to share.  On your mark, get set… “OH COME, ALL YE FAITHFUL!”