Trinity Student Ministry Circles – October 2023

by Melissa Morris
In Trinity’s Student Ministry, Circles are vibrant small groups whose goal is to help students feel seen, heard, and known; make Biblical connections; and equip and challenge students to live out their faith. We could not do it without our Circle Leaders! These are remarkable individuals who play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of the middle and high school students in our church.
Circle Leaders are compassionate mentors. They provide a safe and nurturing environment for students to grow spiritually, emotionally, and  socially. These leaders are also inspirational role models. Their faith and values serve as an example for the youth, encouraging them to ask questions and strengthen their relationship with God. Their ability to connect Biblical teachings with real-life experiences makes faith relevant and relatable to teens. Circle Leaders are also excellent listeners. They offer a space for teenagers to share their concerns, doubts, and joys. This active listening fosters trust and open communication, allowing students to navigate the challenges of adolescence with support and guidance.
Circle Leaders also help with a wide range of   activities, such as Youth Camp, Glo Games, and Retreats. They are quick to say, “Yes!” when a need arises and give their time to help our students grow closer to God, foster connections, and build solid foundations.
Our Circle Leaders are exceptional individuals who are inspiring, guiding, and equipping a generation of young disciples to continue to grow in their faith. Their selfless dedication and un-wavering faith is creating a lasting impact by helping students know God and become compassionate, responsible, and spiritually grounded  individuals.