


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Women’s Bible Study

Click the title below to register for ongoing studies.

Men’s Ministry

Click the title below for details

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Prime Time Adult Ministries

by Don Francis
Prime Time adult ministries is typically geared toward our senior adults 55 and up but all are welcome.
Genesis 1 Hikers – This is a fun, physical, once a month activity in which we travel to a state park, cavern and other points of interest in our area. It is open to all ages depending on their abilities to maneuver rough terrain at times. We try to keep our hike on easy to moderate trails. We do not meet June through August because of the heat. May and September, we try to go to caves and caverns to avoid the sun and heat. It provides a great time to fellowship and enjoy God’s wonderful creation. April finds us at Inks State Park for the blooming bluebonnets and Lost Maples State Park in November for the leaf color change. We leave the church at 8:30am, returning around 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon. Most hikes we take a sack lunch, but if there is a fun restaurant nearby, we will stop for a “Dutch treat” lunch.
Prime Time Game Day – The excitement happens throughout the year on the first Monday of the month (holidays move to the second Monday). It is a great time of fun and fellowship. We start at noon with a sack lunch and gaming begins soon after. We have a great time playing Mexican Train, Rummikub and 42. We meet in the church Café and play until 3:00. Bring your favorite game and join us! 
Prime Time Dinners – Our senior adults have activities throughout the year except June, July and August. We try to have a potluck every other month. They usually consist of a theme that is helpful and of special interest to senior adults. Sometimes we have special music or just a time of singing and giving praise to our Lord and Savior. Occasionally the church will provide the main course, and we bring a side dish or dessert. We have been known to have a Ray Stevens impersonator singing the Great Mississippi Squirrel Revival and our very own church quartet! Don’t miss our food, fun, and fellowship. ENCORE is a special two-day version of our Prime Time dinners which is held each May.


Genesis Class: A Transformative Bible Study Experience

by Dale Moreau
Are you ready to dive deeper into the Bible and truly understand its meaning? The Genesis Class is here to help you do just that! Whether you’re a teenager, young adult, husband, wife, or seasoned Bible reader, our class welcomes everyone eager to explore the Scriptures in a fresh and exciting way.
Unlike traditional Bible study classes, our approach goes beyond rote memorization or becoming a scholar in Greek and Hebrew. We emphasize understanding the meanings of the biblical languages in a practical way. You will learn to pose insightful questions, identify flawed interpretations, and seek comprehensive explanations that resonate on a deeper level.
Imagine reading a Bible verse you’ve memorized, like Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Have you ever wondered, what exactly is the gift of God? Is it grace, faith, or something else? Our class will guide you through questions like these, helping you uncover the true meaning behind the words.
We recently finished our study of the Book of Revelation and before that the Book of Genesis and are now excited to begin a new journey: What is the Gospel and What is Salvation? This study is unlike anything you’ve experienced before!
Join us in room 217, upstairs near the elevator, in the new building. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to grow in your understanding of the Bible and enrich your faith.
We can’t wait to see you there!


Trinity Men’s Bible Study

by Rick Boles
The Fall Men’s Bible Study is alive and well, meeting Thursday’s from 10:00am to Noon in the Youth Department’s Refinery. The study is being taught by a diverse group of well-qualified teachers and Bible Study leaders starting with our own Adult Discipleship Minister, J.D Templeton, assisted by Greek Bible Scholar, Dale Moreau, and Bible Study teacher, Mike Mullens.
We are studying the book of Exodus this fall and this book is filled with the challenges of the early Hebrew people. It teaches us, as Men in today’s culture, what we need to be– a light in a dark time and, to those who are observing, how we as Christian men react to the challenges of our time.
If you have not been involved, we encourage you to come and join in our study of the Book of Exodus. You will get to know and have fellowship with men who see a need to study God’s Word as they lead in their families as a spouse, parent and grandparent. Again, we are having a great time studying God’s Word and praying for one another in the challenges of life.


New Life Class

by Greg Peschel
The New Life class has an open door for anyone looking for a Sunday morning Bible Study. We are currently going through a short study on the church and plan to take a look at Biblical Servant Leadership in our next study. Our study features plenty of discussion, a few laughs, and the occasional tear. As we continue to grow, we hope to add some outside-of-class gatherings to the social calendar. In the midst of our busy lives, we must be sure to take time for fellowship with other believers. We are currently looking for someone who has that passion for fellowship who might be interested in organizing that for our group. In the meantime, we enjoy the time we share together and look forward to spending time in study and prayer as a community.