Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Genesis 1 – February 2023

by Don & Janice Francis

Before Covid gripped our country, Trinity had an active group called Genesis 1 Fellowship. It was open to all ages and consisted of hiking in Texas state parks, fellowship and sometimes playing games. When the group was large enough, they would split into groups according to hiking ability so that there would be some taking the challenging trail, some taking the moderate trail and perhaps some choosing to stay behind and play games in the picnic area.
Last fall Genesis 1 regrouped. On October 10 some of us traveled by church bus to Garner State Park.  We did a 3-mile hike on an easy trail. On the way back to Kerrville we ate at a Mexican restaurant in Leakey. It was a fun day of fellowship, exercise, beautiful scenery and good food.
In November, we loaded up the church bus for a trip to Lost Maples State Park. We were a few days late for the beautiful fall leaves, but there was still much beauty in God’s creation. This 3-mile hike was an easy to moderate trail. We stopped for lunch in Medina at the Apple Store before traveling back to Kerrville. It was another great day of fellowship.
We would like to plan 6 or 8 hiking trips in 2023. We’re hoping that our group will be large enough that we can split into 2 groups as before. We are working on plans for a February hike, a wild flower drive/hike in March or April and one more before the weather gets too hot.
Our group is open to anyone who likes to hike or just enjoy the outdoors and Christian fellowship.  Before making a hiking trip, please be sure that you are able to walk hills and rocky trails. You may want to bring a walking stick and a daypack with water and snacks. When convenient, we will stop at a restaurant for a late lunch. Occasionally, we may bring our own brown bag picnic. If you are not able to hike, you can bring dominoes or card games to play, enjoy fellowship with others or just enjoy the great outdoors.

 TrinityLife – February 2023



Grief Share – February 2023

by Doug Lusk
The next cycle of GriefShare, primarily facilitated by Pattie Davis and Jane King, will begin Monday January 23, and consists of 13 weekly sessions ending April 17. This program is a support group to help and encourage persons after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend.
These sessions aim to help each participant, collectively and individually, learn to deal with grief and loss; a place where they may move forward in their journey from mourning to joy.
Guided by the facilitators, of whom I am one (glad to have learned of the program and very glad to have enrolled), each meeting features a video seminar, a group discussion, and the use of a personal workbook.
The videos feature comments and suggestions by experts who help deal with loss, personal stories of people who are grieving, and         enactments by some about how they have confronted their own situation.
The group discussions, which are completely confidential, offer participants the opportunity to share something they noted, to ask questions, or to learn how something shown in the video or expressed by others might apply to one’s own life. It can prove to be a vital source in finding the help and comfort they seek.
The workbook has questions, suggestions, and Bible verses that can help an individual in learning how to cope with their loss. For instance, an item from the workbook might cause them to approach their loss in creative and helpful ways, complementing other important activities. Journaling or simply taking notes can help them work through a particular problem. The referenced scriptures are vital.
Many people find, as I did, that grief is a surprisingly complex subject and that the needs and solutions may be quite different from those of fellow participants. But somewhere in the 13 sessions, it seems often to happen that by hearing what others share about their stories, a listener might find an approach that they can use.
A group of folks on a similar journey, giving and receiving ideas and support.  That’s what GriefShare is.


Adult Ministry – January 2023

Can you be a disciple and not grow spiritually? Not according to Jesus. “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
What are you doing to position yourself for spiritual growth? Please don’t let this question push you toward guilt. Jesus is not asking you to climb Mount Everest in a single day! Understand that spiritual growth is usually a gentle climb, it is a process.
Trinity U is one avenue we have at Trinity to grow as disciples. This semester we have two sessions of the Disciple’s Personality. If you have studied the Disciple’s Cross, this is a great follow-up. Mark & Dianne Clemons and Royce & Cynthia Itschner lead these two groups.
A Skeptic’s FAQs, led by Bob Davis, will help you grow in confidence when confronted by hard questions. This will be a conversation, as you learn how to respectfully engage questions such as “What reasons do we have to believe the resurrection occurred?” “ and “Is it possible to be a moral person without believing in God?” 1/29-3/19
The Ministry Gift and Passion Inventory will equip you to fulfill the charge we have in 1 Peter 4:10 – “Each of you as a good manager must use the gift that God has given you to serve others.” Discovering your spiritual gift(s) is not simply a matter of taking a test. It is not rocket science, but neither is it a casual endeavor. It takes intentional thought and action. In this session you will explore how God has gifted you, and how you can plug into Kingdom service. 3/26. See you Sunday nights at 5 pm!


Roots Class – October 2022

by Jaime Riordan

The Roots Sunday school class is a great place to dive deeper into the biblical text each Sunday morning.  We just finished a series going through some of the smaller and less read books of the Bible and this Fall we are taking a closer look at Genesis.  Filled with so many of the stories we learned as children, Genesis is also rich with theology and its themes are echoed throughout the rest of the Bible. Clark Elliston does a great job teaching while also encouraging class discussion which opens the floor to unique perspectives and deeper learning.  Whatever your age, whether there every week or visiting, there is something to be gained by attending! Please join us in room 221, Sundays, at 11 am.