Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.


The word standing by itself doesn’t seem very exciting. It may sound overwhelming to some. What does it even mean? “-ship” means the state or condition of something; so, the state or situation of being a disciple. In New Testament times, it implied a teacher/learner relationship. For Jesus and His disciples, it represented doing life together with formation of a spiritual relationship. Pastor and author Bill Hull describes discipleship as “a way of life for all of life”.
When we look at Jesus’ life, discipleship happened in many places. The synagogue where He read from Isaiah, the temple where He overturned merchant tables and commented on a  widow giving her meager offering, homes and public venues in which He healed broken lives.
Where and when will discipleship happen in your life? For your family, it ought to include the patterns outlined in Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (the Message) “Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.”

Trinity U is just one way to weave the fabric of discipleship into your life. Our upcoming Sunday night Bible reading series will equip you personally as a parent or grandparent.  MasterLife and The Disciple’s Prayer Life are two proven disciple-making formats for adults. These opportunities don’t have to be limited to Sunday evenings. You won’t regret the time and energy invested in discipleship for yourself or others!




Genesis Class

by Dale Moreau
The Genesis Class aims to help people progress in their ability to study the Bible and understand its meaning. The key to good Bible study is not following steps. It is learning to think carefully about what you’re reading. The Genesis Class helps you to develop thinking skills by asking insightful questions about the biblical text, learning to detect and avoid flawed ideas (your own and those of others), and being dissatisfied with explanations that aren’t comprehensive.
Learning to think well is much more powerful than memorizing a method. Careful thinking allows you to adapt to whatever Scripture presents you rather than asking the same repetitive questions of every passage.

Many things we read, especially in the Bible, are not as easy to parse as this headline. Many readers will have memorized Ephesians 2:8–9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

But how many of us have bothered to ask the obvious question: What is the gift of God? Is it grace? Faith? Both? Something else? How would we know? Memorizing these verses is a good idea, but understanding what they mean is even better. The Genesis class will help you explore this passage and many more and find the biblical truths and meaning in the text.

You missed us concluding our study of the Book of Genesis. So, come join us in our new study, John’s Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. It is unlike any other study you have heard. We are in room 217, upstairs near the elevator, in the new building.



Fun & Fellowship with Prime Time

by Don Francis
Prime Time is a group of seniors 55+ who get together for fellowship, entertainment, food, and subjects of interest for seniors and activities to serve our Lord.
Prime time Game Day is the first Monday of each month and we meet in the church café for a time of fellowship and games.  Bring your brown bag lunch and perhaps some cookies to share.  We play a variety of domino and card games. Join us for a great time of fellowship, fun and laughter with games. The time is 11:00am until 2:00
Prime Time Dinners are scheduled at various times during the year.  The meeting will include a meal, potluck or catered by Judy Brooksher the church food expert. There will be music.  We may sing as a group or be entertained by special guests.  This past year we have enjoyed Trinity Men’s Quartet, Ray and Jan Solomon, a Ray Stevens impersonator and a group from Sunrise Baptist Church.  We have benefitted from presentations by Greg Longenbaugh from Kerr County Sheriff’s Department concerning frauds and scams, JD’s teacher Dr. Dan Crawford, and have enjoyed open mike time sharing stories of what God has done in our lives.  Most important of all, we have enjoyed the fellowship with one another and sharing God’s love. We most recently had a Thanksgiving pot luck with Missy Coulter giving a presentation on home safety and fall prevention.

Every May we have a 2-day senior event called ENCORE! (Energized, Committed, Reassigned) with a light lunch, games, music and speakers. This is a special event attended and enjoyed by many of our seniors.



Men’s Bible Study

by Philip Meadow
Life is HARD!
Everything takes our time:  family (good and bad), everything that owns us.  And, as we get older, we have appointments (mostly doctors’ appointments!). Something is always taking our fleeting time. YET – on Thursday mornings at 10:00am there is peace and calm with learning and fellowship.  Come sit at the feet of Biblical masters, Bill and Dale as they lead us through GOD’s word.
Bill Parr was an ordinary, lost, heathen man, with Merchant Marine and Army experience until the LORD called him into the ministry. Once the LORD called, Bill went to seminary and became an ordained minister. Because of this background, Brother Bill can present GOD’s word so that an ordinary man can clearly understand it.  Dale Moreau has a background in the Hebrew text, helping us understand the how, what and why the scriptures were written.  Together, we cover the daily application and a deep understanding of GOD’s word.
The men’s Bible Study is open to all men.  We have men from other denominations, men that are engineers, men that own local businesses, men that work at local businesses, lawyers, teachers, salesmen, and a lot of men that are retired.  But, on Thursday mornings we are all ordinary men, learning about GOD’s word, sharing our prayer needs, our stories, our love of GOD’s word, and    always some great cookies and coffee!  GOD’s word says he wants you to join with other believers and grow in knowledge and wisdom so that when you share GOD’s word, you are more confident in your understanding of His word. 

So, men, I encourage you to try something easy, and worth the time. Come to the Men’s Bible Study Thursday mornings at 10:00 in The Forge (behind the TBC café), to enjoy the fellowship and be filled with cookies, coffee, and knowledge!