Kellee Parish

Minister of Child Discipleship
Kellee is a wife and dog enthusiast. Her and her husband, Tres, have three schnauzers.
Kellee came to Trinity in 2015 from Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center where she and Tres served on staff. Her experience includes Minister of Children in Texas churches and Baptist Student Ministry leadership. Kellee continues to be a resource for training and development of children’s programming at Highland Lakes Camp.
She is an alumni of Angelo State University & Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Night in Bethlehem 2021

A huge, huge  thank you for our Bethlehem team! We started meeting last January to plan, build, construct, prepare, set up, and take down an outdoor Night in Bethlehem.  There are 10 precious people who work all year for Bethlehem, making it a two night gift to our community.  Those precious 10 servants of Christ are Debbie & Don Nelson, Sue & Tommy Owens, Becky & Robert Wheat, Mark Clemons (who also stayed overnight to make sure our sets stayed in tact), Judy Harder, Tres Parish, and Clint Brown.  Please thank them for their hard work to make  Bethlehem such a wonderful ministry event.

Also, I am so grateful for those who helped set up, take down, and costume, as well as all our actors and actresses who gave their time to share the story of Jesus’ birth. Donna & Jesse Hinton, Sue Stewart, Julie & Reagan Boles, Caleb Boles, Kendall Boles, Linda & Rob Ward, Elisa Keese, Cortney Hawkins, JeAnn Carpenter, Isabella Hawkins, Aidan Hawkins, Barb & Brian Bowers, Jack Bowers, Luke Bowers, Sadie Bowers, Roy Shields, Roger McCormick, Jodie & Van Hooten, Stephanie & David Clarke, Jamie & Matt Riordan, Cayden Brown, Beth Ann Brown, Suzanne Harston, Janice & Don Francis, JD Templeton, Becky & Josh Watkins, Ben Watkins, Marsena & Bob Alley, Paula Brucker, TBC Custodians, & Pastor John. Thank you to Lanie & Bruce Ebelt and LaVerne & Rick Boles for being available in the hospitality tent during the event.

I’d also like to thank those who shared their animals with us.  Trey Dittmar for providing the sheep each night; Cortney Hawkins, Barb & Brian Bowers for allowing us to use their goats for Bethlehem.

Great job team for such a wonderful night of ministry to Kerrville as we shared Jesus’ story.  Thank you to Trinity Baptist for
allowing us to give this amazing gift to our community during this wonderful Christmas season!
– Kellee Parish


First Blessing Report

Thank you to everyone who joined us on our Mission Trip to Kerrville. Trinity’s Mission trip included set up crew, parking lot team, greeters, registration, table hosts, servers, cooking team, transition greeters, sock & feet measuring team, shoe room, bag & box team, exit blessers, and all our prayer warriors. We had over 125 volunteers that serve our community. 229 pairs of shoes and socks were also given out as well as 250 plus meals served. Those were the numbers and yet so much more happened on Saturday.
There were lots of spiritual conversations, prayers and connections with our guests as well as within our church family that Saturday.
I’m so grateful for all the hard work that went into First Blessing from all the volunteers. One example was that set up and take down of the shoe room was done in record time and looked so good.
Thank you also to Acapulco Mexican Restaurant for donating tortillas for breakfast tacos. Thank you to Sysco Foods for donating the
orange and apple juice, and thank you to the YO Ranch Hotel.


Facebook Family Devotionals

TrinityKids and Trinity Student Ministry are teaming up on Facebook to bring you family devotionals each week. Go to, Like, and Follow both of their pages on facebook. This is something to get your family together for!