


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Women’s Bible Study

Click the titles below to register for this Fall’s Studies.

Men’s Ministry

Click the title below for details

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Eagle’s Wings Home Group – September 2024

by Jeff Stone
The Eagle’s Wings small group meets on a weekly schedule during “the school year”. The regular hosts are Missy and Chuck Coulter who graciously open their home on Monday nights from 6 pm until we finish our discussions, usually around 8 pm. In the summer, we meet monthly for informal fellowship at other member’s homes.
During the regular season, we rotate dish “assignments” to help spread the work and cost of our meals. Fortunately, Chuck’s amazing culinary skills are often featured for the entrée! We always begin with an acknowledgement of our Savior Jesus and prayer to open our ears and hearts for His message during our fellowship. We close with a prayer for needs and concerns, along with praises to recognize God’s work in ours and our family’s lives.
It is encouraging to share our daily happenings and hear the latest from the group while enjoying the always yummy meals. It’s also interesting that the ladies gather in the kitchen, and the guys are usually outside in the newly completed patio area. This is not by design, but has evolved over the course of the group and just seems to work. Missy and Chuck are wonderful hosts and Chuck settles us down for the “lesson” around 7.
We select a video study from the vast RightNow media vault to watch, then proceed through the guided discussion with written materials. The topics are wide ranging and always seem to spark engaging discussions of how they apply to our daily walks both as church body members and individuals. Everyone in the group is involved in various church ministries, and we support each other in outside discipleship as well.
Our group size seems to promote a more relaxed atmosphere for sharing personal stories and details that might be more guarded in a larger group. We often help each other with projects and other needs, even if it’s just advice on grocery shopping, which is a popular topic!
Our servant hearts are also visible outside of Trinity: Mercy Gate Ministries, Texas Ramp Project, underprivileged elder care and others help spread the Good News. Our lives and those of others are certainly blessed by the Eagle’s Wings, and we would love to share this blessing any way we can.


The Time of Your Life

Sometimes I feel like there are little monsters all around me, clamoring for my attention! They are like children on a candy aisle; instead of chocolate bars they are reaching for my calendar.
Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to consider these upcoming events to help with your ‘yes and no’ choices. They are not calendar or efficiency training classes. Rather, I believe you will be able to better set some life priorities after these events.
October 18-19 is our on-campus men’s conference…Rock Solid Men. Jerry Canupp is the Southwest Regional Director for Man in the
Mirror. The Friday night and Saturday morning sessions will help us as dads, grandfathers, husbands and brothers, as we seek to develop Christ’s character deep in our souls.
On January 31-February 2, our ladies will host Dr. Katie Frugé, Director of Texas Baptists’ Center for Cultural Engagement. She will guide moms, wives, sisters, and grandmothers in the believer’s quest to be salt and light within our communities and homes.
I am excited for both our Women and Men’s Ministries as we prepare to host these two discipleship events. How can we grow as image-bearers of the Creator? Yes, the time will require some level of sacrifice! It will be worth it.


Men’s Ministry – September 2024

The Men’s Ministry has a mission: to do our best to reach the men of our church to become better examples of what it means to be a Godly man. We began in February with a strong turnout of men eager to serve their brothers in Christ and our Church. We knew that the road ahead was fairly uncharted as we set goals to host more men-oriented events to include their families. We used the Men’s Breakfasts to fellowship, share ideas, and plan those upcoming events. Though we have had some hurdles in the competition for space in people’s lives, we are determined to keep going in hopes others can make future events. Mark Clemons spoke on how we can be strong men in Christ and shared his experience on being a Missionary.
Our first small event in April was a Cowboy Camp Cookout. We had a great outdoor cooked meal and received some great men’s medical advice from Dr. David Sprouse. It will definitely be repeated for 2025!
Our August fishing event was a great scouting opportunity for a much larger event in the future. We didn’t walk away with any keepers, but we hope to find just the right bait for next time. The fellowship was the best catch of that day. David Clarke
In the last year, I have enjoyed being a part of Trinity’s “moMENtum” Men’s Ministry. About a year ago, my son Ben and I were invited to a men’s breakfast at a local church; we attended and were inspired to start our own Trinity version. Our times of fellowship have been encouraging, and we hope that next year our men’s group will become even stronger. I am glad to have opportunities for my son to be around other spiritual men. Coming together as men of faith will make us stronger in the Lord. We are looking for some men to become ambassadors for moMENtum, inviting other men to participate and be a part in planning future events. This will strengthen our men’s ministry.
On October 18 & 19, we will have a men’s retreat, Rock Solid Men. Jerry Canupp of Man in the Mirror Ministries is our guest speaker. All ages are welcome!

Come join us! Josh Watkins


Lois Home Group

by Tabor McMillan
The Lois Home Group is a tight-knit community comprised of young families who come together on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7:45 to discuss our faith in Jesus, our lives, and to foster personal growth as Christians. Each family brings its own unique experiences, perspectives, and strengths to the group, creating a great atmosphere for discussion. We typically meet inside the home of one of our members, share a potluck meal for an hour and then have our discussion time for the following hour. While we have our discussion time, our children spend time playing together or watching a movie so the adults can converse without distraction. Discussions range from exploring biblical passages and books, to navigating the complexities of everyday life or diving deep into specific biblical themes. Through dialogue, reflection, and prayer, our group seeks to deepen its understanding of scripture and its relevance to the lives we lead.
Beyond the designated discussion time, the Lois Home Group is also a source of practical support and friendship. Members rally around each other during times of need, offering assistance, meals, and a listening ear. We have welcomed new life through babies being born, we’ve mourned the loss of parents and other loved ones, and have even celebrated the marriage of two of our members.
The connections we have established through this group permeates into our everyday lives. We gather for social outings, we celebrate holidays together, and provide a sense of belonging that has really helped this small group feel more like a second family. It’s a great thing to witness whenever you have a community around you that continually shows up for one another.
We are glad to welcome any who might be interested in attending a small home group. We typically meet 3 Tuesday nights a month and also regularly meet with the Kerrville West Home Group for monthly fellowships.