Dec '23

Disciple Kids
Dec '23

by Sue Owens
There is a wonderful group of 3rd—5th grade boys and girls who meet for Disciple Kids each Wednesday night at 6:00pm. Our Disciple Kids Junior (Pre-K—1st) also meet at this time and are studying how be like Jesus.
The older Disciple Kids were given a Sermon Notes booklet at the beginning of Pastor John’s series on “We Believe” and they take notes each Sunday and we discuss our notes on Wednesday. This has been a productive time of learning and understanding what we believe. In addition, we have turned to God’s Word to help us learn the importance of making good choices and what to do when we make poor choices. And, most weeks, we close with a fun game of “Minute to Win It” with Mr. Tommy.
These children are such a blessing to our church and are dedicated to growing as disciples. They recently made Thanksgiving cards to give those who will be blessed with a Thanksgiving meal from the church. They also participate in various outreach projects during the year.
As you can see, these young disciples KNOW they were created by God on PURPOSE, with PURPOSE, and for a PURPOSE. And, they PURPOSE to be who God created them to be! May we always remember to encourage them as they carry out that PURPOSE!