Jan '25

Crossroads Class – January 2025
Jan '25

by Lanie Ebelt
Welcome to the Crossroads Class. We are located in the Family Life Center on Sunday morning at 9:45 until 10:45. We are a class of multi-generational ages and backgrounds which make us very diverse and interesting!
Our teacher is Gary Anderson. We do not follow a printed lesson, but Gary gives us what God has laid on his heart to teach which is usually a book of the Bible. We were in Genesis for the 40 years the Jews wandered in the wilderness! But it was fun to be with them each step of the way. Gary has a unique way of tying together Biblical history and American history at the same time. We have learned a great deal about our fore-fathers and the part God played in our country from the beginning. From time to time when Gary has to be away from class, we have other teachers who fill in for him.
We are a very loving and friendly group even though we have a large enrollment. And more importantly than that, we are a strong praying group. We send out prayer requests each Sunday afternoon that people have asked for that morning. If needed from time to time, special requests go out during the day sometimes everyday with updates, too. We try to keep the requests covered in prayer!
I am Lanie Ebelt, Director of the class. I do my best to keep all things flowing in a smooth manner so that on Sunday morning, Bible study and fellowship is what can be focused on. I am open to hearing what you have to say as a suggestion and will try to work on what might be requested. But I will not promise it will happen. It is my philosophy that you try our class and then try the other classes that Trinity has to offer. “Go where you are fed” is my motto.
We would enjoy having you come and try us out and see if it is a fit. We do like to party from time to time but find that we are quite busy with family and travel. I encourage you to find your time of worship, your Bible study class, and then your place of service here at Trinity Baptist Church!