Nov '24

Moses Family Update
Nov '24

by Wendy Anderson
Some of you may know Dr. Geoffrey and Nicole Moses from their stay in the Minoah House as they mobilized in 2018 for their first move and again in the summer of 2023, or from his work as a physician at Peterson Hospital in years past. The Moses’ sending church is Kerrville Bible. They serve through Frontiers USA Ministry.
Geoffrey and Nicole, along with their four beautiful kids, have served in Sierra Leone since 2019, sharing their skills in a country with one of the highest disease burdens in the world. Geoffrey’s father is originally from Sierra Leone, a war-torn majority Muslim nation in West Africa and again, according to National Geographic, one of the most difficult places on earth. The country has one of the lowest life expectancies and highest infant mortality rates in the world. Geoffrey’s training is in family medicine and Nicole’s in occupational therapy.
Their work includes providing countless medical services, hosting medical teams, educating and training, building relationships and the witness of the great commission of the reconciliation between God and mankind through Jesus Christ. They homeschool their children.
TBCK is honored to help in the support of the Moses family. Hopefully they’ll be able to utilize one of our mission homes again in the future, as they still consider Kerrville as their home.