Jun '23

For the Journey – June 2023
Jun '23

It was so good to be with our Church family on Sunday. Our journey to Israel was amazing but it is good to be home. There is so much to share from our trip and over time we hope to pass along our insights and blessings. Many of you have traveled to Israel yourselves and know how life informing and even changing it can be.
I cannot express enough how thankful I am for our ministerial staff. I am fully confident that when I am away that Trinity will not miss a step as a result of our team of ministers. Thank you, JD and Wes, for filling the pulpit and the rest of our staff, Clint, Kellee, Sharron, Frank and Charlie, for helping to pastor our incredible fellowship. Keep the Barganiers in your prayers as they prepare to sell a house and start the search in Kerrville for a place to live.
We start the summer on the go. Our Dominican Republic Mission team leaves this week and Vacation Bible School will be here before we know it. This summer will be full of ministry opportunities. One of the blessings of our trip was sharing with other pilgrims on our journey about our wonderful faith family in Kerrville. I am excited for what God has placed before us as we travel together.
This summer there will be a gathering of Texas Baptist in McAllen for our annual convention. Every five years we hold it in the summer and invite all our Texas Baptist Affinities to join us. We will travel to McAllen on July 16th and return on the 18th. We are allowed 25 messengers who will vote on the business and future direction of Texas Baptists. If you would like to go, call the church office and we will add your name to the list and officially vote on you as a messenger to represent Trinity Baptist Church. Sue Owens will then get you information regarding lodging. If you can go, it is a worthy event to see just how big our Texas Baptist family is and all that we do together.
It is easy to think about walking through time as we have in the past. Sometimes we put our travel on auto-pilot and in doing so, we miss many life-affirming moments. On the day that Melinda and I visited the southern steps into Jerusalem, we could see different formation of steps. The steps closer to the walls of Jerusalem were more uniform and were much newer than the others. The older steps were not uniform, nor were they even the same height. It would be impossible to walk up those steps habitually without considering your steps. To navigate successfully, one would need to look down at least every so often.
Let’s not move through this summer in a habitual way without considering what is before us. Remember where we are going, toward the LORD. Remember, He has next steps for us. Be sure to look to the left and the right to see others traveling with us. As we arrive at the same places, God has much to both tell us and remind us. I am excited for our journey together. I am looking forward to others we will encourage and meet along the way. God is doing a great thing among His people. Let’s celebrate it together.
In Christ,