Posted on May 1, 2023 in General, TrinityKids |

by Melissa Morris
I have two core memories from my early childhood in church. The first is waving palm branches on Palm Sunday. The other is Vacation Bible School. It was my favorite week of the summer! I loved the music with hand motions, cookies with Kool-Aid, pledges to the flags and Bible, crafts, and getting to see my church friends every day. I was also learning Bible stories and memorizing verses I can still quote. I can still remember the first summer I was in the youth group and got promoted to worker. I got to help my mom go all out decorating her classroom and imparted Biblical wisdom on children SO much younger than my very mature 12-year-old self. (I also discovered that the snacks for teachers are far superior to the kids’ snacks.)
As an adult, VBS is still one of my favorite weeks. I have taught the Bible story for several years now. Like my mom, I fully theme my room so that the kids can become immersed in the story. I have enjoyed lightly spraying the kids with water when teaching about Paul being shipwrecked, playing sound effects, and dressing up in costumes. I pray that all of these sensory experiences can help the Bible stories come alive and imprint on kids the way that it did for me.
It is time to consider what role you will play in
VBS this year. There are several ways you can help. We need Family Leaders who rotate with the children. You don’t have to plan anything and you get to build relationships with precious children as you guide them through activities. We also need teachers for crafts, recreation, snacks, missions, music, and Bible study. Please contact Paula for more details and Kellee to sign up to help. The dates are Monday, June 12 to Thursday, June 15 from 9am to noon. Kids who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade will be able to participate and register beginning in May. The theme this year is “Babylon: Daniel’s Story” and the theme verse is 1 Chronicles 16:34
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
I can’t wait to see how God is going to show us his goodness and faithful love during VBS this summer!