

The ministry to children, and by the children, of Trinity Baptist Church reaches beyond the walls of the church and into the surrounding community. Through children and families future generations are drawn closer to Christ and a saving relationship with Him.

We desire for children to know they created by God and made for a purpose. We provide building blocks for kids to learn about Jesus and support for parents to help kids come to Christ. Opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with Christ come through Bible study classes, mission service groups, and intentional Christ-centered care.

Our classes are growing as children are returning. We are creating new classes/groups to better meet the children were they are in their development to lead them to a relationship with Jesus Christ.


Pizza, Parents & Snowballs

by Caleb Boone
Last summer, Trinity held its Pizza, Parents & Snowballs party.  Our family attended the event, mainly so that our 4 boys could have a snowball fight in the middle of summer.  The party was a blast!  Trinity prepared Christmas crafts for all to do, from ornament making, snowman building, and other fun Christmas crafts.  After crafts was the snowball fight, that was done with soft fluffy snowballs.  Then we finished off the event with Kona Ice snow cones.  The boys all enjoyed it, as well as all who attended.
This year, Trinity is planning to host the same event on July 13th at 5:30pm.  They are going to have pizza, crafts, and games just like last year.  Bring your whole family for a fun Christmas in July party.


Children’s Ministry News – June 2023

by Tres Parish
We are coming up on a fun, busy, and great summer. We start off with Vacation Bible School June 12 – 15th from 9am-noon. Come join us for an adventure in Babylon and explore Daniel’s courage and captivity. Sign up at and also email Kellee at to help minister to kids.
Pre-Teen Camp is at Alto Frio July 24-27. This summer our theme is “Code Breakers”. Pre-Teen Camp is for children who have completed 3rd through 5th grade. The cost is $200 (a $50 deposit and TBCK form reserves your spot). Jeremiah 33:3 is our theme verse for the week.
Children’s Day Camp is August 4th for children who have completed 1st through 3rd grade. The theme is “Created by God” and the cost is $25. The TBCK form and $25 is needed to register.
Parents, Pizza, and Snowballs returns with an ultimate game of Parents vs Kids snowball fight on July 13 at 5:30pm. Children who have completed PK – 5th grade will enjoy this awesome time with their family. Childcare will be provided for the younger children. They can enjoy the pizza time before going to the children’s area for their own fun time. Please let Paula know you’ll be attending (RSVP) so we can have plenty of pizza.


Children’s Ministry – May 2023

by Melissa Morris
I have two core memories from my early childhood in church. The first is waving palm branches on Palm Sunday. The other is Vacation Bible School. It was my favorite week of the summer!  I loved the music with hand motions, cookies with Kool-Aid, pledges to the flags and Bible, crafts, and getting to see my church friends every day. I was also learning Bible stories and memorizing verses I can still quote. I can still remember the first summer I was in the youth group and got promoted to worker. I got to help my mom go all out decorating her classroom and imparted Biblical wisdom on children SO much younger than my very mature 12-year-old self. (I also discovered that the snacks for teachers are far superior to the kids’ snacks.)
As an adult, VBS is still one of my favorite weeks. I have taught the Bible story for several years now. Like my mom, I fully theme my room so that the kids can become immersed in the story. I have enjoyed lightly spraying the kids with water when teaching about Paul being shipwrecked, playing sound effects, and dressing up in costumes. I pray that all of these sensory experiences can help the Bible stories come alive and imprint on kids the way that it did for me.
It is time to consider what role you will play in VBS this year. There are several ways you can help. We need Family Leaders who rotate with the children. You don’t have to plan anything and you get to build relationships with precious children as you guide them through activities. We also need teachers for crafts, recreation, snacks, missions, music, and Bible study. Please contact Paula for more details and Kellee to sign up to help. The dates are Monday, June 12 to Thursday, June 15 from 9am to noon. Kids who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade will be able to participate and register beginning in May. The theme this year is “Babylon: Daniel’s Story” and the theme verse is 1 Chronicles 16:34 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”  
I can’t wait to see how God is going to show us his goodness and faithful love during VBS this summer!


Walk Thru the Easter Story

by Marsena Alley

One of my favorite events our church does is coming up.  Join us Saturday, April 8th at 10:00 am for Walk Thru the Easter Story.  Come to the east side parking area off Bluebell as children stamp their passports traveling from Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the Empty Tomb!  Each station will have a craft or hands-on activity for them to participate in. This provides a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel with our children, neighbors, grandchildren and friends!  The morning ends with a fun Easter egg hunt for the children.  See you there!




Children’s Ministry Volunteer

Trinity members volunteering with children includes everything from Extended Session with babies to camp sponsor with preteens. Filling out a volunteer application is required. The application includes giving permission for a background check.