The ministry to children, and by the children, of Trinity Baptist Church reaches beyond the walls of the church and into the surrounding community. Through children and families future generations are drawn closer to Christ and a saving relationship with Him.
We desire for children to know they created by God and made for a purpose. We provide building blocks for kids to learn about Jesus and support for parents to help kids come to Christ. Opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with Christ come through Bible study classes, mission service groups, and intentional Christ-centered care.
Our classes are growing as children are returning. We are creating new classes/groups to better meet the children were they are in their development to lead them to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Disciple Kids

As you can see, these young disciples KNOW they were created by God on PURPOSE, with PURPOSE, and for a PURPOSE. And, they PURPOSE to be who God created them to be! May we always remember to encourage them as they carry out that PURPOSE!

Children’s Ministry – November 2023

If you see one of our Children’s Team, please pray for them and thank them for their dedicated service.

What is First Blessing?


Children’s Day Out (CDO)