

The ministry to children, and by the children, of Trinity Baptist Church reaches beyond the walls of the church and into the surrounding community. Through children and families future generations are drawn closer to Christ and a saving relationship with Him.

We desire for children to know they created by God and made for a purpose. We provide building blocks for kids to learn about Jesus and support for parents to help kids come to Christ. Opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with Christ come through Bible study classes, mission service groups, and intentional Christ-centered care.

Our classes are growing as children are returning. We are creating new classes/groups to better meet the children were they are in their development to lead them to a relationship with Jesus Christ.


VBS 2024

by Frank & Judy Stevens
Spring has sprung. Trees are budding, the grass is greener and even some shrubs are popping with colorful blooms. Before we know it, summer will be here and so it is not too soon to start making vacations plans. May we make a recommendation for a wonderful trip for your children this summer. How about a trip to HOMETOWN NAZARETH? Visit the place where Jesus was a kid, without leaving Kerrville?
One of the universal events in church life is Vacation Bible School, On June 10th, 2024, Trinity will kick off this year’s VBS, transporting the children to Nazareth where Jesus grew up. Getting a glimpse into Jesus’ life, they will explore the culture of ancient Nazareth in  Biblical times. The children will learn while Jesus is the Son of God, He also had the same emotions and experiences that they have today. Children will walk away with the    complete comfort of knowing that God understands them, cares for them, and loves them enough to give His only Son to ransom them from their sins.
Vacation Bible School is a free event designed to be memorable and life changing; bringing your child closer to Christ and creating a place where friendships are built and strengthened.
Remember, book your child’s free ticket and join us for a trip to Hometown Nazareth on June 10-13, from 9:00 AM to Noon for all children who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade. Sign up at after May 1st.

If you are older, a parent or grandparent, there is a place for you too. One of Judy’s fondest memories of VBS is the permanent picture in her mind of her grandmother handing out snacks at VBS at the back door of her hometown church. Volunteer and create a memory for yours or someone else’s child this year. Email Kellee at to find your place of ministry to the children of Trinity and our community.


Trinity Life – April 2024


Walk Thru Easter 2024

by Melissa Marcum
My family moved to Kerrville in the Fall of 2015 when our youngest, Arwen, was only 6 weeks old.  We spent months visiting churches and praying about where God wanted us to plug in. We knew wherever that was would be where Cami and Arwen would grow up physically and spiritually. 
On March 28, 2016, we took the girls to something called “Walk Thru Easter” here at Trinity Baptist Church.  Cami and Arwen waved palm branches, tasted bitter herbs, but their favorite thing was rolling the stone away to reveal an empty grave!  We joined Trinity shortly after that Easter and have been so blessed by the people in Children’s ministry that have walked alongside us to teach, show, and be Jesus to our girls.  

I encourage you to bring your children, both little and big, to Walk Thru Easter with us.  Let the hope of Easter come alive for you and your children as we celebrate the Hope of  Easter in the Power of Christ’s resurrection!  

Trinity Life – March 2024


Children’s Day Out – February 2024

by Beth Ann Brown
Did you know that one of the ministries offered through TBC Trinity Kids is a two day a week Children’s Day Out program?  Tuesdays and Thursdays, August through May, our building is filled with children, 4 months old to 5 years old.  Working with these children, and the ladies that teach them, is so much fun and such a blessing.  We get the privilege of loving on these sweet children and their families as well as sharing the love of Jesus with them.  Our focus is teaching about Jesus.  We use the Wee Learn Curriculum, but we also teach colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. 

Trinity CDO is such a great ministry.  We would love for you to be a part of it.  There are   several ways to be involved with our program.  First, we would appreciate your prayers.  Prayers for wisdom, strength, joy, teachers, and for the families we touch.  Next, if you enjoy building or making things, we have several ways we can put your talents to use.  Lastly, we are in search of more teachers and substitutes.  We have immediate openings for teachers in our baby room.  If you are interested in learning more about CDO or ways you can plug in, please contact me or Kellee.  You can call me at the church.   I would love to talk to you.




Children’s Ministry – January 2024

by Kellee Parish

Tres & I are so blessed to get to serve here at Trinity!  We have amazing Preschool & Children’s teachers and shepherds that we are privileged to minister alongside.  Our teachers do a wonderful job of sharing God’s word.  We are so grateful for our terrific Children’s Team!
Thank you, parents, for allowing us to be a part of your kid’s lives.  We are grateful to get to be involved with all these precious kids! 
If your child is in Kinder thru 5th grade, we’re back to “Lunch with Mrs. Kellee” this Spring.  Please email me at to schedule a day for me to come to your child’s school and have lunch.  What a joy to get to spend time with our Trinity Kids.




Children’s Ministry Volunteer

Trinity members volunteering with children includes everything from Extended Session with babies to camp sponsor with preteens. Filling out a volunteer application is required. The application includes giving permission for a background check.