Student Ministry – January 2025

It’s funny to me how the little daily decisions we make have the potential to end up impacting us greatly down the road. As I have lost weight, I feel the “weight” of poor eating decisions. I can often overcome one or two poor decisions, but one or two poor decisions each day for a week add up. 
But the same is true of the good decisions. Making one or two good decisions each day adds up as well. Slowly, over time, making the right choice over and over reaps rewards.
Working with teenagers, I see this played out, both ways. Someone makes a couple of poor decisions, over and over, and they often find themselves facing consequences. At the same time, when they make wise decisions, the results can be just as obvious.
The truth is, for all of us, the right decisions make a difference. So, what “right” decisions are you going to make this year? I hope you joined with us on the Trinity Bible reading plan in 2024. You may not have been perfect at it, but hopefully you make the decision to read time and again. If so, yay! If not, then now’s a great time to start. 
One other good decision: pray for the student ministry. Pray for students to live out their faith. Pray for our adult volunteers and that relationships will grow and gospel conversation will be abundant. Pray for our seniors who will graduate in May and their parents (of which I am one!). Pray for our 6th graders as they navigate a new phase of Middle School. Pray for Disciple Now coming up in February. 
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for 2025!


Meet our New Student Ministry Assistant

Hello! I’m Alycia Apostolides. I am the wife of John. We have been married for 34 years this month. John is a retired Lt. Colonel and serves as the commander of Tivy’s JROTC program. We have three grown daughters. Our oldest, Audra lives in Montana with her husband and two young children. Our middle daughter, Sophia, is an officer in the Air Force and is currently stationed in Japan. Our youngest daughter, Adahlyn, prefers to go by Lynie. She is working in manufacturing at James Avery. Her goal is to build houses for underprivileged families on mission around the world.
My husband and I started attending Trinity three months ago. We are blessed to be a part of the Bridge class on Sunday mornings, and usually attend the 11:00am service. We love it here and look forward to getting to know everyone better in the coming years. I am so happy to be a part of the ministerial assistance staff here at Trinity. I love helping people and learning new things.
In my spare time, I enjoy scrapbooking, reading, and working on whatever craft is interesting to me at the current time. My husband and I enjoy traveling so much that I plan trips for friends and family. After 34 years of moving all over the country with the Air Force, we are so happy to be able to call Kerrville home.
God has been so faithful to me over the course of my life. He has shown himself to be the most trustworthy and solid rock to stand on. My life verse is Galatians 2:20; “For I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; the life that I now life in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”


Student Ministry – November 2024

by Melissa Morris
A busy refinery can be a noisy place. Hammering, grinding, sizzling, roaring fires, along with the shouting above all those noises, are some of the sounds of the work happening inside. The sounds at The Refinery, the youth space at Trinity, might be different, (though I would argue that the decibel level can be higher than an actual refinery!), but those sounds are also evidence of the important work happening inside.
In my role as High School Circles (small groups) Coordinator, I arrive early on Wednesday nights to help set up and I hear ping pong balls bouncing, foosball handles spinning, cheers, and a few friendly taunts as students start to arrive and play games before the main event starts. There are also huddled conversations, laughing, occasional tears, and shouts across the room as friends gather and catch up on life. Adult Circle Leaders also start showing up at this time, some leaving work early, to get a few extra minutes to build relationships with their students.
When everyone gathers in The Forge, what we call the big room, the sounds become those of worship, with adults and youth using their musical gifts in the band and students singing praise to the Lord. After a few songs and prayer, the sounds change dramatically to those of the Impossible Shot, where students and their visitors get to try to get a Nerf arrow through a tiny target across the room to win a prize. On the very rare occasion that someone makes it, the cheers are electric!
After that, the high schoolers split off into their small groups in classrooms while the middle schoolers stay in The Forge for teaching and discussion. I get to overhear solid Biblical teaching from Wes, Brian Bowers, and Stacie Foster that is tailored just for those preteen and young teenagers, along with their discussion and reflection on that message. I love hearing the students’ responses of how they interpret Scripture passages and what is going to stick with them. Meanwhile the high schoolers are diving into their curriculum and discussing that week’s lesson. There are occasional bursts of laughter along with periods of quiet when someone shares a struggle and their friends and leaders offer advice and prayer.
Wednesday night ends sounding much like it started with ping pong and foosball balls, a student leadership team huddle, and loud group conversations. There is a lot of activity and noise in The Refinery, but the most important thing that is heard each and every Wednesday night by every student is that God loves them and desires a relationship with them. The best sound of them all.


NOW HIRING: Part-Time Youth Ministry Assistant

Trinity Baptist Church is looking for a part-time (32 hours a week) Youth Ministry Assistant. The position includes two-weeks of paid vacation.
On-the-job training is provided for this opportunity. Trinity’s office team is a great place to use your talents and passions to assist disciple makers in a positive environment with a Christian worldview.
You may apply online at or come by the church office for an application. In addition to the application, you may call Wes Henson in the church office for information or bring a letter of interest to the office.


Disciple Now

by Becky Watkins
What do you get when you have 47 teens, 35 adults, 10+ vehicles,  a 20 foot sub sandwich, countless snacks, dozens upon dozens of cookies, 3 days and 2 nights, and Bible Studies & Worship? AN AWESOME DISCIPLE NOW!   
It was a blessing to be a part of Disciple Now 2024 here at TBC. What an absolute honor and privilege to serve alongside our TBC family for the good of our youth. The bonding, relationship building, and forming of new friendships, among both the youth and adults, will be life changing and we will reap the benefits from our time together. The teamwork it took to make D-Now successful, seemed at times, overwhelming, but our church family stepped up and SHOWED OUT!

Thank you to each and every one of you that prayed, baked cookies, bought snacks, drove a vehicle full of students, and many other responsibilities that were taken on by our servant leaders.


Trinity Life – March 2024


How to Pray for Disciple Now

by Lauren Tripp
On February 9-11, TSM is hosting our first Disciple Now weekend for this group of students. The agenda for the local weekend retreat includes large group worship, small group Bible studies, service projects and lots of fun with peers in host homes across Kerrville and the   surrounding area. The weekend’s goal is to help students grow in their relationship with God and with each other, learning to see God clearly and to live authentically.
Leading up to Disciple Now, please be in prayer for the preparations taking place to help facilitate spiritual growth in a fun and safe environment. Over the weekend, please take time to stop and pray for our students, Bible study leaders, host families and the team working behind the scenes. Here is how to pray for Disciple Now:

Our Students

  • Open hearts and open ears to hear God’s message
  • Engagement within the group the students are placed in for the weekend
  • Learn to see God clearly, getting rid of the things that distort their view of who God

    truly is

  • Ephesians 1:18 – “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that
    you may know the hope to which he has called you…”

Leaders and Volunteers

  • Willingness to be used as instruments for God’s purpose
  • Engagement in interactions with student groups 
  • Energy and adaptability
  • Clear communication, patience and empathy

Thank you to the planning team and the many volunteers offering their homes, vehicles, time and talents to help lead our students closer to the understanding that “God Loves You and  Desires a Relationship with You” (GLY&DARWY).




Student Ministry – January 2024

by Wes Henson

2023 was a phenomenal year. We saw several highlights through the year. We continue to see numerical growth. We have more and more adults who are volunteering to invest in the lives of students. We had several students make decisions at camp, and are seeing fruit from many others.
And the best is yet to come.
I’m constantly amazed by the newness of God’s working in our lives. No matter how often we think we’ve seen Him do something we couldn’t imagine, he moves in an “only God” kind of way again. And, for that, I am perpetually grateful.
I’m looking forward to what 2024 has to offer as we host a Disciple Now weekend, take an even larger group to the Dominican Republic, celebrate a great group of Seniors (again!), continue to build relationships and get to know new faces, and watch as God works in a way only He can work. It’s going to be a great year!
As we kickoff the New Year, join me in praying for God to continue to move, and for our students to learn what it means to respond to God’s working in our lives. Pray for our adults as they seek to build relationships that point students to Christ.

Thank You, Trinity family, for all of your support in 2023 and the coming support of 2024.




Student Ministry – December 2023

December may be one of my favorite seasons around TSM. For the Christmas season we intentionally shift gears, aiming to help build connections.
Our Circles have gone great so far this semester, but during December they take a break and we get to gather everyone together for a few weeks.
This year we have our 3rd Annual Christma-lympics on Wednesday, December 13, and it’s going to be even better than the first two! Plus, it will be our first Christmas Party in the Refinery
!I’m excited to announce we have scheduled a Disciple Now for February 9-11, 2024. For those who may not know, Disciple Now is a local weekend retreat. I’m excited for the opportunity to include members of the church in the weekend through hosting, feeding, and praying. If you’re an adult and interested in serving, let me know.
To help kick-off Disciple Now registration, we are having a Special Edition of TSM Live on Wednesday, December 6. On this night, we will have a very special guest, and you will not want to miss out!

Finally, I cannot give enough thanks to all of our wonderful adults who have jumped in to help lead a Circle, to sub, to invest in students in the Forge, to bring donuts, to go to camp, to serve, to love, to laugh and to give. We couldn’t do what we do without all of you!



Fall Retreat

by Anna Henson
My name is Anna and I am a junior at Tivy High School. I am looking forward to our Fall Retreat this year. 
Last year I had the opportunity to build relationships with some of the students in the youth group, older and younger. When I attended as a sophomore, I was in a room with four middle school girls with whom I spent a lot of time and I am so grateful to have those connections today. 
One of those connections happened during our meals where we would all sit at a table, talk, and eat some amazing food. We had so much fun participating in so many activities such as s’mores around the campfire, sliding down a wooden coaster, and making our way through an underground bunker. Of course, we also had time for devotionals and we had the opportunity to grow in our relationship with God, as well as the Christ-Centered youth and adults around us. 
I can point back on Fall Retreat as a time of spiritual growth as a leader and as a Christ follower. This year I am looking forward to connecting with more of the newer members of our youth group through fellowship, fun and good food.  And, I also hope to build on the connections I have with those who are  already in our youth group. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me at Fall Retreat this year!


Trinity Life – November 2023