Oct '24

Oct '24

Navigate /’navə,gāt/
verb – plan and direct a route or course, especially by using instruments or maps.
verb – plan and direct a route or course, especially by using instruments or maps.
Larger military and commercial planes carry a navigator, whose job is to make sure the aircraft stays on course. At Trinity, our Navigate ministry is designed to give young adults the opportunity to plot a course of discipleship, following Jesus by using His word as a map for life. In a day when many youth graduate and leave the church, Navigate bucks the trend.
Young adults who are in college or just embarking on a career are often highly mobile. We are able to provide them with a consistent place to engage in worship, Bible study and fellowship with one another. They can ask difficult questions without fear of being cut down. When society says “Make your own truth”, Navigate can encourage these college and young professional adults to stay the course. They discover they can investigate hard questions without abandoning their faith. That is one of our goals, to lead young adults to making God’s truth their own.
Look to see this group lead worship on a Wednesday night and serve the church in other ways. You might think we need to reach them because they are the future of the church…but that’s not entirely true. They are the church today! Our Wednesday night video ministry, youth ministry, and audio visual ministry are just a few places where these 20-somthings in action, already engaged in serving the Kingdom of God by serving Trinity.
Join us some Sunday night at 7:00 pm to see what Navigate is all about. Pray for our young adult ministry. Tell other young adults what is going on at Trinity!