A Way of Life…For All of Life

“Discipleship isn’t a program or an event; it’s a way of life. It’s not for a limited time, but for our whole life. Discipleship isn’t for beginners alone; it’s for all believers for every day of their life.   Discipleship isn’t just one of the things the church does; it is what the church does.” (emphasis mine)- Bill Hull, author of The Complete Book of Discipleship.
Bill is a speaker and former pastor whose ministry focus is discipleship and church leadership. For him, the biblical view of discipleship is “a way of life…for all of life!” That doesn’t mean discipleship happens by osmosis. It is intentional and has some level of structure.

Young and old, male and female, single or married – all believers are on a discipleship journey. What is the next step for you? Trinity U is one option you can use on this road to Christ-likeness. Below, you’ll find a few opportunities to grow in your faith. I urge you to deepen your walk by engaging in one of these classes:

Crisis 101 (Red Sea Rules)ife is hard, difficulties are guaranteed, but a way through is available! Barbara and Roger McCormick share ten strategies for following God in the midst of trials. This video guided series by Robert Morgan is developed from the Israelites’ experience of crossing the Red Sea, and will be divided into two semesters. $5 book cost.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur
What does it mean to be a Christian businessperson? Does your business serve as an active part of God’s work in our world today? What does it mean to embrace your call to create, and fulfill God’s purpose, for your life and work? Join Wayne Uecker in discovering what God desires to unleash through our work. Be encouraged to flesh out the purpose of your entrepreneurial dreams. 8 weeks, no cost.
MasterLife – The Disciple’s Victory
Cynthia and Royce Itschner lead the third book of the MasterLife series. Learn to gain victory over the world, the flesh, and the enemy using God’s word and prayer. The first two books of the series are recommended prerequisites. 7 weeks, $15 workbook required.
Love Like You Mean It
How do the ten attributes of love found in 1 Corinthians 13 relate to marriage? Discover the biblical vision of marriage and how actions and decisions drive emotions, not vice versa. Lauren and Kaleb Kurz lead this video driven conversation by marriage and family expert Bob Lepine. 9 weeks, optional workbook.
Writing Your Spiritual Memoir
Your spiritual story is worth telling. Leave a legacy of your journey with God for family and friends by writing your Spiritual Memoir. Bill Gray will guide you through effective steps of planning and organizing, best writing practices, and free publication on www.draftdigital.com. Limited to 12 committed participants. 9 weeks, $15 material cost.
The Disciple’s Prayer Life – Walking in Fellowship with God
Do you desire intimacy with God and effectiveness in your prayer life? Survey biblical examples and apply biblical prayer principles in this powerful small group study. You will do more than talk about prayer!  The 13-week course led by JD Templeton will be divided between two semesters. $15 workbook required.


Please register today for any one of these discipleship opportunities by calling Gina at 830-895-0100. Room assignments will be made at a later date.