Dominican Republic Mission Trip Testimonies

Ryia Neuman – If I am being perfectly honest, I was not all that excited about leaving Kerrville for the week. I was worried I was going to miss out on things happening here. It was also my first time traveling out of the country since I was 5 years old, so I was pretty nervous. We got there and my attitude towards it wasn’t great, but throughout the week God truly changed my heart. I got to work alongside Dominicans and they are such sweet and loving people. The Dominicans have hospitality like I’ve never seen before; the way they give everything when they have basically nothing is so inspiring to me. One of my favorite nights was when we ate in some of the church member’s homes and sat around the table and shared our testimonies, it was such a surreal experience and it warmed my heart. I also got the chance to work with some kids a couple of days during VBS and, even though I don’t know a lot of Spanish, I used what I did know. God truly showed me that I wasn’t there for me; I was there for them, and after I realized that it was a great life lesson and opportunity.
Rick Boles – Blessed beyond measure to go again and see what God has done and is doing through STCH and IBQ since 2006 for schools, Orphan Homes, and assistance with families for housing.
Aidan Hawkins – I had never been on an airplane and so that was a very new experience for me. It was so much fun seeing a different culture and meeting so many new friends. My two favorite people there were Angelica and Caroline. I’m hoping we are going to go next year. When we were at the orphanage, I helped cut the carrots for lunch and a bunny hopped into the house. I also helped paint a Jonah and the whale mural, and the basketball court. It was so much fun.
Isabella Hawkins – During my experience on the DR Trip, I was very busy. I helped with our VBS games at La Ceiba and it was fun. We played freeze tag and had a rock-paper-scissors relay race. The last day we just ran around and played. It was exciting to experience a different style of how people do things. I met a lot of amazing people in the DR. I hope I can go back and see them again next year.
Cortney Hawkins – Some of my most memorable moments of the DR trip include, even before we left, knowing many people were praying for us throughout this trip and all the preparations in coming! I really enjoyed getting to do regular devotions with the girls again; something that had waned over the holidays. Between VBS, med clinic and the orphanage, I was blessed to have special interactions at each place. My favorite was Wednesday evening, when after some worship, the whole congregation naturally went into small pairs or groups to pray before Bible study. I was able to pray with Cynthia, who knew very little English. And, with my very little Spanish, although conversations were stunted and brief, heartfelt prayers were lifted. After all – God knows English too.